
12年春上外口译考试 中级第二阶段分析(3)

<< 返回历年真题 2012-04-19来源:口译
fastest-growing为常用政经英语用语,经常出现在诸如“增长最快的经济体”(fastest-growing economy)等表述中,很多考生听不出主要是语音不熟悉,建议相关考生跟着标准发音把这个词多朗读几遍


Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heard each sentence or paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal...and stop it at the signal...You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages only once. Now, let us begin Part A with the first passage.


Passage 1 tells us that more and more young women choose not to have children because of great pressure from their work.

中口英译汉部分每段开头都有梗概介绍,一定要引起足够重视,因为它提供了段落的线索,是理解的着眼点与围绕点。实践证明 ,本篇的每一段都有一定难度,很多考生做得不理想,就是没有抓住“女性不愿要孩子”这一主线。梗概的理解应当说比各段难度低,其实听懂了梗概,就能解决很大的问题。


Passage 1:

With the economic globalization, more and more young people are working under great pressure. In my recent survey, I have found that childless people are one of the fastest-growing segments of the work force.

fastest-growing为常用政经英语用语,经常出现在诸如“增长最快的经济体”(fastest-growing economy)等表述中,很多考生听不出主要是语音不熟悉,建议相关考生跟着标准发音把这个词多朗读几遍,最好放在词组、句子这样真实的环境中。


One woman in five over the age of forty has never given birth to a child. In the near future, the number of households without children will overtake the number of households with children.

统计中,经常使用“每多少中有一个/只/…”的表述,其对应的英语说法有one in …或one out of…。第一句中的one woman in five就是“五个中有一个”的意思。

give birth to a child即意为“生育一个孩子”,本为常用语,但许多考生对此并不熟悉。表达“生育”的还有bear一词,但较为文雅,使用频率不及give birth to。


Those childless couples are getting more and more used to their own life. Some childless couples look forward to child-free sections in restaurants and airplanes and recreational areas.

也许是speaker的发音过快,get used to这一词组很多考生未能理解并译出,这直接导致其失去对本段的整体把握,甚至影响到其对下一段的理解与把握。

child-free sections意指“不许儿童进入的区域”。实事求是的说,很少会有考生听说过这样的表达与这样的地方。但是smoke-free area应当是众所周知的;而且,这个表述出现在“有些人不愿要孩子”的语境中,这就应当容易理解和翻译了。

They might only shop, dine or swim in ‘adult-only’ spaces in order to avoid noisy infants and keep themselves quiet and peaceful. I am afraid this phenomenon will leave a negative impact on social development.

如上,adult-only这样的字眼难免让人感到陌生,但是Staff Only(闲人免进/非员工莫入)应当是大家熟知的,再结合语境to avoid noisy infants与全篇主题,就能得出第一句的要旨了。

A leaves/exerts/has a negative/positive impact on B意为“A给B留下/造成消极的/积极的影响”。






Passage 2 is about the trade relations between Europe and Asia.

由梗概得知本篇讲的是欧亚两大洲的贸易关系,要始终抓牢这一主线。Passage 2:

Europe and Asia are two major cradles of human civilization. They have both contributed to social development and human progress. History has proved the necessity to expand cooperative relations between the two continents.


European Union is the world’s largest trade bloc. Its gross domestic product and foreign trade volume both surpass those of the United States. It enjoys the highest level of political and economic integration.

trade bloc意为“贸易联盟”,此词组大部分考生未能译出。此外GDP大家很熟悉,但其全称gross domestic product很多考生却未能反应出来。trade volume意为“贸易量”。integration意为“一体化”,如economic integration (经济一体化)。


Trade ties between Europe and Asia have expanded rapidly in recent years. Asia has replaced the United States as the EU’s largest export market. More than 35 percent of its exports are targeted for the region.

trade ties是常用语,意为“贸易纽带/关系”,其中的ties即指“关系,纽带,维系”,如the ties of friendship (友谊的纽带),family ties (家族关系),blood ties (血缘关系)等。

Asia has replaced the United States as the EU’s largest export market这一句很多考生译成了“美国成为欧盟最大出口市场”,这显然是断章取义的结果。

be targeted for/at/on意为“面向/指向/以…为目标”,相当于be aimed at或be oriented to/towards,如the missiles targeted on the enemy (瞄准敌人的导弹),a sales campaign targeted at the youth market (面向青年人市场的大推销活动)。

It is our common desire that Europe and Asia should resolve differences through dialogues and mutual trust, and form a new partnership in the interest of the peoples of our two continents.

本段的用语多为套话,如common desire,resolve difference through dialogues and mutual trust,form a partnership,in the interest of等,只要平时学习过此类使用频率极高的用语,则本段不构成困难。






