

<< 返回历年真题 2010-11-01来源:口译

语言学家形成共识,认为英语是一种形合的语言,汉语是一种意合的语言。英语句子好比一棵参天大树,一串葡萄,一串珍珠,一树荔枝。而汉语句子好比一根竹子,一盘珠子,一江波涛。英语句子通过从句分词等诸多方式连接在一起,汉语句子则倾向于小句构造,慢慢铺陈叙述。定语从句和状语从句是英语构造长句的最为常见的句型,这次高级口译考试出现形式各异功能各异的许多定语从句,考生可以根据新东方课堂上的讲解正确进行化解。例一:So many of the productions currently to be seen on the London stage are concerned with the more violent aspects of life that is surprising to meet a play about odinary people caught up in ordinary events. 这里的主句和从句通过so…that…进行衔接,说明了两句之间的因果关系。我们进行切分后,利用因果关系词进行衔接:伦敦剧场最近上演的戏剧中大多是关于生活中的狂野暴力种种冲突,所以看到一部平常人的平常生活的戏,实在是出乎意料之外。例二: In fact the surface is so bland that attention is constantly focused on the care with which the play has been put together, and the calrity with which its argument develops; 这里的主句和从句再次通过so…that…进行衔接,说明了两句之间的因果关系。同时在表示结果的分句中又出现了两个定语从句,一个with which the play has been put together用来修饰the care,一个with which its argument develops用来修饰the clarity,如果切分为四句,形式上就过于松散,所以这两个定语从句可以利用我们课堂上讲的前置法进行处理。译文:事实上,戏剧看上去平淡无奇,倒使观众的注意力都集中在作者构造戏剧的匠心独运上,以及戏剧对白的清楚明晰上。例三:During this conversation, in which the author shows a remarkable talent for writing dialogue which is entertaining and witty without being so sparkling as to draw too much attention to itself; 我们把这里的定语从句和状语都进行切割,就会产生四个小分段,然后逐一翻译,就能得到理想的译文。 During this conversation, in which the author shows a remarkable talent for writing dialogue which is entertaining and witty without being so sparkling as to draw too much attention to itself 译文: 言谈间,作者展示了构造对白的非凡才能,戏剧对白笑话百出、妙语如珠,却又不至于喧宾夺主,抢走戏剧的风头。
