

<< 返回历年真题 2009-11-02来源:口译

因工作关系,我30年来,年年要外出公干,足迹几乎遍布全国,没有到过的地方只有西藏、内蒙和澳门。可惜远行奔波间,车马劳顿,总是行色匆匆,山水的怡情悦目,都如过眼的云烟,只不过领略了一个大概,不能去探寻幽僻的妙境。我凡事喜欢有自己的见解,不屑于人云亦云,即使是论诗品画,都是持一种别人珍贵的东西我抛弃、别人遗弃的东西我收取的态度。佛家有云,境由心生,因此,所谓的名胜,全在于你怎么看,有的名胜,你并不觉得它有多好;有的不是名胜,你自己却以为是个妙境。这里且将我平生的游历逐一道来,与诸君共享。 Over the 30 years, I have travelled on business on a yearly basis, my footprints found all across China with the only exceptions of Tibet, Inner Mongolia and Macao. It is regretful that my rushing on the long journeys leaves me heavy with the fatigue of travel and unable to savor the soothing and pleasing landscape of mountains and waters. Their tranquil beauty fades away like floating clouds, leaving only a vague impression without the exploration of the secluded realm of beauty. I cling to my own views on everything, feeling it beneath myself to echo those of others. Whether to evaluate poetry or painting, I tend to forsake what others treasure but cherish what others abandon. According to the Buddhist, the world is as how you feel it. Thus, it all depends on your perspective whether the scenic spots are good or not. Some of them, famous as they are, are not to your taste while others, obscure as they are, are the wonderland to you. And here, I present to you, and share with you, my numerous travels in life.
