

<< 返回历年真题 2012-11-01来源:口译
1.According to some environmental pressure groups, the next five years is a critical period for the rainforests. If we don't take action in this period, the rainforests will disappear in ten years' time.词汇解析:Pressure group 压力集团

1.According to some environmental pressure groups, the next five years is a critical period for the rainforests. If we don't take action in this period, the rainforests will disappear in ten years' time. 词汇解析: Pressure group 压力集团, 类似的有interest group 利益集团 Environmental 环保 Rainforest 雨林 Take action 行动参考笔记: Ev Pre gp: 5y★--→rainf ×ac--→rainf× 2.According to a recently published medical report, pop singers have got voice problems and they really need to be more selective about where they work. They shouldn't work in smoky atmospheres and they shouldn't smoke themselves. 词汇解析: Medical report 医学报告 Selective 有挑选的;挑剔的 Smoky atmosphere 烟雾缭绕的空气参考笔记: Medi Rp: Po sin-----voic pb↘★whe: ×smok at/smok 3. The modern trend in dressing behavior is usually referred to as one of increased informality, but this is misleading. In reality, there is no law of formality, merely the exchange of old formalities for new. 词汇解析: Trend 潮流;趋势 Informality 休闲;非正式 Misleading 误导的 Laws of formality 正式的法则
