

<< 返回历年真题 2007-11-05来源:口译

英译汉我承认,撰写我们民族自罗马初期以来的历史使我略怀惴惴之感,即使我对自己著作的价值颇有信心,也不敢贸然以此自诩。我知道,历史学家自吹自擂/夸大其词乃是常事,而且历来是屡见不鲜。每一位撰写历史的史家/作家都会鄙薄以往学养不如自己的同行,沾沾自喜地认为自己会在(史书)风格上超过他们,或者会揭示前歌后舞史实。有关(这个民族的历史)著作汗牛充栋,我的著作很可能淹(YAN)没其中,无人在意,倘若如此,那只能是因为我的对手实在是卓而超群,才华横溢,所以他们的大作才会使得拙著变得默默无闻,我必须藉此聊以自慰。而且,我的写作是极其艰辛的,必须上溯700余年,从最细的源头一直探求到支脉纵横交叉、几乎难以详述的近代。我发现研究古代历史很有裨益,至少沉浸于远古往事,我就能避而不见长期折磨着现代世界的诸多烦恼,并且能够放手写作,而不会像当代史作者/那些写当代生活的作者那样免不了会顾虑重重--即使此种顾虑尚不至于导致他们去掩盖事实。汉译英 Shanghai men are said to be the best of husbands. They know how to win the favor of their wives and avoid conflicts so that happiness pervades their families. Shanghai men can be regarded as the symbol of social security and harmony. They are joyful whenever their wives are, thus filling the whole city of Shanghai with happiness. Shanghai men are jokingly called hen-pecked husbands. However, they will never yield to their wives but remain silent or smile away the quarrels. And they will apologize without hesitation shortly after they lose their temper, which is a rarity. Finally, their wives find themselves complying with what their husbands say. Shanghai men are smart and practical and even slippery, but what impresses most is that they are aggressive in their career and responsible to their families and respectful to females.
