

<< 返回历年真题 2008-11-05来源:口译

中文原文: "名镇朱家角历史源远流长,风光绮丽迷人,以它得天独厚的自然环境及便捷的水路交通,商贾云集,曾以标布业著称江南,号称"衣被天下",明末清初,朱家角米业突起,又有"粮油江南"之称。镇内长街沿河而伸,明清建筑依水而立,座座石桥古风犹存,名胜古迹比比皆是,有江南"小桥、流水、人家"的格局,令人陶醉。" 英文翻译: Zhujiajiao is a famous scenic town with a very long history. Because of its unsurpassed natural environment and water and land transportation system, the town has been the gathering place of merchants everywhere. Once known as the "Silk Capital" south of the Yangtze River for its textile industry, Zhujiajiao emerged during the latter part of the Ming Dynasty and the early part of the Qing Dynasty as a powerhouse for rice production and hence the "Capital of Rice and Oil." The streets of the town run parallel to the rivers, which are then lined with houses built in the unique Ming and Qing styles. Ancient stone bridges, famous historic relics and cultural sites are found everywhere. It is indeed a charming southern town where one finds "some cottages and some small bridges over the flowing streams."
