

<< 返回复习资料 2014-11-17来源:口译

  Barack Obama, US president, threw down a challenge to his Chinese hosts at a speech at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Beijing on Monday, arguing for an open internet and the right to organised labour.
  周一,美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马(Barack Obama)在北京亚太经合组织(APEC)论坛的一次演讲中向东道主发出挑战,辩称应开放互联网和维护有组织劳工的权利。
  “We know that, given a choice, our young people would demand more access to the world’s information, not less,” the president told an audience of business delegates. “We know that, if allowed to organise, our workers would demand better working conditions?.?.?.?that they are looking for stronger labour and environmental safeguards.”
  Mr Obama was applauded for a pledge to extend the length of student and business visas to the US.
  However, the president was whisked away by his security detail without taking questions from the audience, in contrast with Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, who followed his Apec speech with a question-and-answer session dominated by Chinese concerns over his nation’s business environment.
  然而,这位美国总统还没有回答听众的问题,就在其安保人员的护送下匆匆离开了会场。这与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔?普京(Vladimir Putin)形成鲜明对照,后者在APEC演讲结束后安排了问答环节——听众在该环节中提出的问题主要涉及中国人对俄罗斯营商环境的关切。
  The different approaches captured the two countries’ relative positions as China transforms itself into the dominant economy in the Pacific. Russia is seeking Chinese investment to develop its resources in its remote Siberian territory, and sustain it during a bruising battle with the west over Ukraine.
  Mr Obama, by contrast, is aiming to push through a wide-ranging US-led trade deal, rivalling a similar proposal led by China amid increasing geopolitical friction. It has agreed to extend visas for Chinese students to five years from one, and for business travellers to 10 years.
  “The Pacific Ocean is big enough for both of our nations. The US welcomes the rise of a prosperous, peaceful and stable China,” Mr Obama said, to applause.
  Mr Putin, meanwhile, sought to reassure Chinese and Asian investors of the attractiveness of infrastructure and development zones in the Russian Far East, despite a plunging rouble. The currency last week suffered its biggest weekly drop in 11 years.
  The Russian leader also put up a stout defence against Chinese investors who complained about local protectionism, currency worries and even Russian policies on wood exports.
  There was a lighter note when a female audience member sought to promote her own investment park in Russia, prompting an animated response from the Russian president. “I want to kiss you and hug you right here,” Mr Putin said.
