

<< 返回考试心得 2012-10-30来源:口译
口译考试听力难点: 口译考试听力难点:1 语音(口译考试英美音兼而有之) 1.把握基本美音特点: 音变:如neither, hot, tomato, agile, ask, chance 卷舌:如term, work, teacher 弱读:如


口译考试听力难点:1 语音(口译考试英美音兼而有之)


音变:如neither, hot, tomato, agile, ask, chance

卷舌:如term, work, teacher

弱读:如stay at home, come from China, go to school

连读:如come on in , from A to Z

缩读:如I got to go(gotta ), I'm going to do it.(gonna) does she ,tell them(tell ’em) let me, get out of here

浊化:如matter , letter, butter

同化:如would you, miss you

2. 中国学生在说英语时最常出现的几种错误语音

(1)。 l/n light night/ night light

(2)。 V/w very well/well very

(3)。th I thought a thought .But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought

口译考试听力难点 2 (spot dictation)

听力第一部分的“spot dictation”是考生易失分的地方。这个大题要求考生听一篇300-400个字左右的文章,根据录音填写20个空格,每个空格要求填写一至六个单词,而基本上大部分空格要求填写三至四个单词,录音放完一遍后有两分钟左右的时间给考生整理答案。


解决方案:1 尽量使用缩略语等易懂的速记方式,自己也可以自创一些速记符号,可以中英文混杂,如:听到beautiful时,可以以“美”这个中文字代替,as follows=af ; Address=地 ;see you= cu ; face to face=f2f ; month= 月; as soon as possible= asap . advertisement=ad ; business=biz ; automobile=auto ; University=uni ; secretary=sec; professor=prof 等。

口译考试听力难点 3 talks and conversations

在听做题说明时,立即看前两题到三题的选项,以预测可能出现或需要回答的问题,尤其以数字、地点、年月日为重,一旦听力理解题开始,多听少记。 多听:心记细节内容;少记:重点记下与选择题有关的词语。文章的第一句话一定要听懂,因为西方人的思维是开门见山式的,往往是一篇文章的中心。例句: I am Joe. I am having trouble with chemistry this year. (文章开头)。 问: Which of the following subjects is Joe having trouble with? 选项: A physics B chemistry C math D English.

如何预测:例如看到 1:a: airport b: railroad station c: coach station d: subway 就知道即将听到的内容发生的地点是选项中的一个,在听的时候只要稍做笔记,即可选对。再例如看到 a: gate1 b: gate2 c: gate 6 d: gate 8 时就知道要考的内容是关于在机场登机场景,只要在听的时候听清登机门号即可了另外,多熟悉西方社会的生活文化背景知识对考试得分大有帮助,因为口译考试是一种能力考试,它的目的是培养口译人才,而一个合格的口译是必须要什么都懂一点,是一个杂家。

口译考试听力难点 4. 听译 (考生丢分最严重的地方)







1. There has been another railway crash outside Glasgow, 4 people were killed and at least 10 people were injured.

2. Today, trade unions are very common throughout the United States. The goal of the unions has been to promote better rights and welfare of the employees.

3. On the whole, I've found television commercials extremely annoying. They have nothing to do with the TV programs you’re watching and they can only interrupt and destroy your concentrations.

4. We must work harder to overcome our differences. We must treat all our people with fairness and dignity regardless of their race, religion, gender or educational background.

5. According to a professor at Harvard University, he can tell by examining a 9-month-old baby whether that baby is likely to succeed in school simply by observing how that child approaches very simple tasks like playing with blocks.


1. Since the Second World War, a number of completely new towns have been built. Most of these new towns are on the edge of country villages or small market towns. They have been carefully planned with traffic-free shopping centers. Each town is self-contained with its own hospitals, churches, schools, colleges and industries. The purpose of the new towns is to attract people and industry away from the crowded cities and to set up whole new communities

2. I believe the biggest challenge facing us today is how to improve the environmental situation. This is a very important point both for China and for the United States. When a country grows economically, you use more energy and it leads to strains on the environment, especially air pollution which can really affect people's health. So, one of China’s big challenges and a continuing challenge for America is to grow the economy but to clean up the environment at the same time.

