这次的spot dictation的话题又是关于肢体语言(sign language)以及非语言交流(non-verbal communication)。熟悉中高口译笔试的同学都会发现这类话题出现频率很高,也许这是因为出题者大多是高校英语教师,其中不少有着社会语言学(sociolinguistics)或者语用学(pragmatics)的学术背景吧!这类话题,再加上环保、外语学习以及广告知识,大概可算是中高口听力的“四大主题”。
只要是关于sign language以及non-verbal communication的文章,这些词或词组都是少不了的:send, message, consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously, gesture, signal, misunderstanding(s), communicate, meaning(s)等。有兴趣的同学可以参看一下02年9月的高口听力题,看看两题是否有“异曲同工”之妙?
Spot dictation做题过程中主要依赖于放录音时匆匆写下来的单词不完整拼写,这里涉及到听抄等基本功的训练,而且这一项的分值还挺高,加强训练,应当是一个抓分的好机会。
Question No. 1的重心实际上在第一部分:It‘s not like Doris to be late for the weekly board meeting. It’s not like sb. to do sth. 我们可视为一个结构“做出…事来不像某某某所为”,知道这个结构,本题自然引刃而解。
Question No. 2比较简单,它又一次证明,在出现therefore, however, but, thus的句子中,这四个词后面所跟部分比较重要。
Question No. 3等于在考GNP究竟何意,原文中出现gross national product,而正确选项中出现GNP.至于原文中dropped by almost a half对应答案中was reduced by nearly 50%对考生们来说应该很直观了。
Question No. 4有一定的难度,大部分考生听到sales quota, an extra bonus, has been in red这三个主要信息时,都无法及时正确反应出它们的含义,可能不少同学就放弃了,随便勾一个了事。不过即使你不了解这三个说法的含义,你至少应该听到原句中由“Even if”和“there is no way”组成的主要结构,而从语气上,A 是最相符的。sales quota是“销售指标”,an extra bonus“一笔额外的奖金”,has been in red“入不敷出;负债经营”。
Question No. 5与第二题一样,这次证明thus之后的部分带着比较重要的停息。
Question No. 6再一次告诉我们,一听到“but”就一定要高度戒备。本句最后一部分“she has to attend to it in person”出题者马上利用“person”与“prison”发音相近而设计出B这个干扰项
Question No. 7的难点在于“take her time”你是否理解?我记得著名的英语教学片《走遍美国》(Family Album U.S.A.)中有一集是火车上查票的情节,一位老太太找了半天还没找到她的票,查票员很客气地说“take your time”(别着急),这里当然对应D当中的not to rush.一般来说中译如果考到一些俚语类的用法,都不会过于冷僻。
Question No. 8关键在于“too long to give up”所表达出说话者于心不甘,还要坚持的心情。对应B.
Question No. 9句子较长,我在这里把它完整地写下“When we produce more and better good and services that are supposed to raise our living standards, we may destroy our natural resources and damage our living environment.”句子虽长倒也不算难,答案对应A.但如何说明B:“More and better goods and services can raise our living standards.”不是一个正确选项呢?道理在于说话者用一个复杂的长句表达思想时,他说话的重心或者主要意图往往是通过主句而非从句体现,B说明的信息包含在原句的从句中
Question No 10中的关键在于I guess I should,由此对应选项B.
第二个task,这段讲话介绍的是英国剑桥(Cambridge)大学和牛津(Oxford)大学,主要讲到了它们独特的学院体制(college system)。在听的过程中,听者不难得出印象,这两所大学的学生都直接与college接触,college在这两所大学中的独特位置成为Cambridge与Oxford的unique feature.我们可以注意原文当中的这一段话:“At Oxford and Cambridge, the university is like a loose federation of faculties, colleges, and other academic and research institutions.”在对college的介绍中,提到了fellow,这里可理解为“院士”。原文中有“Most tutors give one or two lectures a week, and those lectures may be attended by students from any college of the university”,这里对应17题的选择B,而这个情况与我们所熟悉的中国大学不同,值得注意。
第三个task也比较直观,只是可能有些同学不熟悉tube与subway,underground及metro都表示地铁,同时如果你对希斯罗机场Heathrow Airport有所了解,你就不难在第21题选择A
第四个task讲到著名的美国总统F. D. Roosevelt以及他的夫人Eleanor Roosevelt.如果你对罗斯福总统的生平有所了解,那你应该知道他在39岁时染上小儿麻痹证(polio),在原文中你会遇到一个词paraplegia(截瘫;下身麻痹),相信没有多少人认识这个词。但只要你对他有所了解,在对Question No. 25: Why was President Roosevelt unable to enjoy sports such as golf or tennis?作出选择时,十分容易选择B.另外关于Roosevelt夫妇的介绍中,Eleanor Roosevelt也是一个重点,她是一位著名的妇女权利和民权活动家。原文前半部分中有“For example, at her weekly press conferences, she invited only female reporters, knowing newspapers all over the country would be forced to hire their first female reporter in order to have access to the first lady. As a result, an entire generation of female journalists got their start”,这一段针对Question 24,选择为C.当然,如果你对Eleanor Roosevelt的生平有所了解,选择就更容易了。有趣的是,04年3月高级口译考试听力部分Questions 11 to 15,同样也是关于Roosevelt夫妇。
第五个task中,原文的对话里谈到的是mortgage,而Question 28当中对应的是选项A中的“debts”,而那位男士在对话的最后通过大量的概率分析得出结论,对应Question 30的选项C.
1. There has been another railway crash outside Glasgow, 4 people were killed and at least 10 people were injured.
2. Today, trade unions are very common throughout the United States. The goal of the unions has been to promote better rights and welfare of the employees.
3. On the whole, I‘ve found television commercials extremely annoying. They have nothing to do with the TV programs you’re watching and they can only interrupt and destroy your concentrations.
4. We must work harder to overcome our differences. We must treat all our people with fairness and dignity regardless of their race, religion, gender or educational background.
5. According to a professor at Harvard University, he can tell by examining a 9-month-old baby whether that baby is likely to succeed in school simply by observing how that child approaches very simple tasks like playing with blocks.
1. Since the Second World War, a number of completely new towns have been built. Most of these new towns are on the edge of country villages or small market towns. They have been carefully planned with traffic-free shopping centers. Each town is self-contained with its own hospitals, churches, schools, colleges and industries. The purpose of the new towns is to attract people and industry away from the crowded cities and to set up whole new communities
2. I believe the biggest challenge facing us today is how to improve the environmental situation. This is a very important point both for China and for the United States. When a country grows economically, you use more energy and it leads to strains on the environment, especially air pollution which can really affect people‘s health. So, one of China’s big challenges and a continuing challenge for America is to grow the economy but to clean up the environment at the same time.