

<< 返回模拟练习 2011-06-30来源:口译
Passage 109 In 1994, China adopted a new policy concerning foreign investment in Chinas auto industry.// According to this policy, new projects would be ratified only on the condition that more than 60% of the spare parts be manufactured in

Passage 109

In 1994, China adopted a new policy concerning foreign investment in China’s auto industry.// According to this policy, new projects would be ratified only on the condition that more than 60% of the spare parts be manufactured in China.// It implies that China may lift the curb on foreign sole investment in China’s auto industry.// But at the same time, it indicates that one who doesn’t sow won’t have a chance to reap.//

Passage 110

At the moment there is much debate about European Monetary Union and the single European currency.// Some Practitioners Predict that the foreign exchange market will consist of fewer and fewer currencies.// It appears that a single European currency will be a reality around the turn of the century.// But the Asian currencies that are freely convertible will continue to mature.//

Passage 111

Intel Corp. And China’s Ministry of Electronics Industry are joining hands to improve the viability and competitive strength of China’s computer manufacturing business.// As part of the agreements, Intel Co. will help Chinese companies develop desk-top computers and service adapters that use energy-efficient and high-density Pentium processors.// To jump start China’s computer and software manufacturing, these agreements stress cooperation and improved technology and customer service.// In addition, Intel has signed an agreement providing China with technological guidance and standards on motherboard designs through China’s Great Wall Computer Group.//

Passage 112

近年来,外资金融机构纷纷抢滩上海,而上海金融市场也得以迅速发展。// 迄今为止,上海已建成了具有一定规模与相当影响的比较完善的金融市场体系。// 上海证券市场的发展最引人瞩目,已成为辐射全国、影响深远的国内最大的资本市场。// 随着我国改革开放的深入和综合国力的增强,上海金融业必奖在更高层次上得到全面拓展。//
