

<< 返回时讯翻译 2010-11-17来源:口译
Message on World Day for Audiovisual Heritage by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO 27 October 2010 世界音像遗产日的致辞 联合国教科文组织总干事 伊琳娜博科娃 2010年10月27日 Audiovisual records – film,

Message on World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO

27 October 2010


联合国教科文组织总干事 伊琳娜•博科娃


Audiovisual records – film, video, radio and recorded sound material – mirror human creativity and the living fabric of our cultures. They not only preserve in space and time priceless testimonies of our history but also encourage cultural dialogue and better understanding of different cultures and perspectives. In this International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures, saving and savouring our audiovisual heritage, the theme of this fourth day for Audiovisual Heritage, assumes a special relevance.

音像制品 – 电影、录像、广播、录音材料 – 折射出人类的创造力,是活的人类文化织体。音像制品不仅跨越时间和空间记录了极其珍贵的历史见证,同时也能促进文化间对话,更好地理解不同的文化和观点。今年是国际文化和睦年,因此第四个世界音像遗产日的主题:保护和享用你的音像藏品,具有特别的现实意义。

Yet savouring this heritage is conditional on its survival. The world’s audiovisual heritage is endangered. Too much of it has already been lost through neglect of its value, chemical decay or technological obsolescence. Its disappearance would represent an irremediable impoverishment of the memory of the world.


Can we contemplate the eclipse of seminal moments in our history that we have the power to preserve: the first moon landing in 1969 or the walk to freedom of Nelson Mandela after his release from prison in 1990? These are engraved in the minds of those who witnessed them at the time, but will future generations have the chance be able to experience them with the same sense of immediacy?

在我们有能力保护音像遗产的时候,一些人类历史上重要时刻的记载却黯然消失:1969 年人类首次登上月球、1990 年纳尔逊•曼德拉从监狱获释走向自由……,这不应该引起我们深思吗?这些景象印刻在了当时目睹者的脑海里,可后代人还能像亲历者那样感受这些重要时刻吗?
