

<< 返回时讯翻译 2012-10-31来源:口译
词汇篇: anti-Islamism 反伊斯兰主义 anti-Semitism 反犹太主义 arbitrary and summary executions 任意处决和即审即决 arbitrary detention 任意拘留 beacon of hope 希望灯塔 bring about real change 实现真正的转变


anti-Islamism 反伊斯兰主义

anti-Semitism 反犹太主义

arbitrary and summary executions 任意处决和即审即决

arbitrary detention 任意拘留

beacon of hope 希望灯塔

bring about real change 实现真正的转变

civil society movements 公民社会运动

ensure fairness in criminal justice system 保证刑事司法系统公正不倚

compounded or double discrimination 复合歧视僵持的局面

enforced and involuntary disappearances 强迫和非自愿失踪



favor the few over the many 只考虑少数而不是广大民众利益

forging alliances 结成联盟

ill-treatment of migrants 虐待移民

legalized discrimination 合法化的歧视行为

pass on to future generations 传到子孙后代

pay tribute to 表示敬意

racial divide 种族鸿沟

religiously diverse nation 宗教信仰多元化的国家

members in religious faiths 宗教信徒

revere Jesus 崇拜耶稣

respect for civil 尊重公民权利

rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness 生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利

self-described faith membership 自称信仰某种宗教的人

victim of the past 历史的牺牲品

widen the chasm of misunderstanding 加深误解
