

<< 返回高级口译 2012-12-18来源:口译
1.上海多年来成功地举办了旅游节,这对拓展旅游市场,促进社会经济的发展,发挥了十分积极的作用。 The successful holding of the tourist festivals in Shanghai over the years has played an active role


The successful holding of the tourist festivals in Shanghai over the years has played an active role in expanding the tourist market and in turn promoting the economic and social development.


The boom in the Pudong office market is due to the concentration of high-quality buildings in certain areas and the implementation of preferential policies by the government to boost the sales and leasing of those properties.


The further economic globalization and the rapid advance of science and technology have presented both new opportunities and challenges to the development of Asia.


China is a developing country with a large population, a meager heritage and an underdeveloped economy, especially in the rural areas.


Over the past two decades and more, China has deepened the reform of its economic system, visibly increased its overall national strength and steadily expanded its foreign economic cooperation and trade.
