

<< 返回高级口译 2012-12-24来源:口译
Note-taking and Gap filling: culture/ set/ behavior/ value/ society/ share culture/ primary behavior, practice/ difference/ socially acceptable behavior/ different countries global/ travel/ emergence/ multinational organization cultural dif

Note-taking and Gap filling:

culture/ set/ behavior/ value/ society/ share

culture/ primary behavior, practice/ difference/ socially acceptable behavior/

different countries

global/ travel/ emergence/ multinational organization

cultural difference

therefore/ different/ socially acceptable business behavior

business behavior/ vary/ different cultures

say no/ different countries

socially unacceptable/ say no/ even/ ultimate answer/ negative

Japan/ never/ say no/ each other/ business people from other countries

Prolonged discussion

Until/ negative

Japanese businessman/ agree

Negotiation/ resume

American/ value decisiveness

Decision/ effective

American/ say no/ quickly

Offensive/ people/ discussion/ vary/ different cultures/ countries

Business/ physically closer/ familiar

Frequently/ two businessmen/ business negotiation

Business between Japan and Latin American countries

Close/ judge/ closer/ agreement/ business negotiation

Physically/ stand/ sit

America/ dislike/ others/ invade/ personal space/ esp. men

If/ businessman/ Japan/ move towards American businessman/ back away

Consequently/ suspicion of each other/ poor communication

Business card/ different significance/ different countries

Japanese/ exchange/ business card/ important ritual

Most important person/ exchange business card first

Managers/ note/ details/ thorough

10-15 minutes/ exchange business card/ qualification/ experience

answer questions/ compliment each other

American business people/ collect business card

View/ information/ important

Accept/ quickly/ 2-3 seconds

Coat pocket/ glance/ later/ office/ examine/ details

Finally/ cultures/ ethical behavior/ unethical

America/ bribe/ unethical/ illegal

Charge/ criminal activity/ jail/ crime

Employee/ caught/ taking bribe/ fine/ a lot of money

Other countries/ different attitudes/ bribery

Europe/ business gift/ acceptable/ conduct business

Details vary/ different countries/ Europe

Example/ Spain/ bribe/ regular business/ illegal/ law/ not concern

Germany/ people/ bribe/ business/ deduct/ income tax

Necessary expense/ business organization

Bribe/ common/ government officials

Sentence translation

1 与其他许多国家一样,英国在犯罪现象方面呈上升趋势,2003年,警方接到报告的暴力事件是20年前的5倍.

2 帮助贫困人群,应当从帮助其子女开始入手,因为很多贫困家庭的子女无法享受良好的教育,而如果能帮助他们得到好的教育,他们就可以实现自助.

3 今天,我们将一起探讨社会福利在瑞典与瑞士这两个欧洲国家所起到的作用. 这两个经济体都可被成为福利国家,或是由民主掌控的社会主义.

4 自二战以来,法国实行被成为指导市场经济的制度,既国家通过某些措施,如选择部分工业对其实行国有化等,对市场经济进行指导与调控.

5 吸烟严重有害人体健康.在美国,导致本来可预防的死亡原因中,吸烟是最突出的一条.每年吸烟导致40万美国人死亡,另有1千万人遭到吸烟相关疾病的困扰.

Passage translation

1 澳大利亚是世界六大旅游目的地之一.到2005年,旅游业将成为该过第二大支柱产业. 2000年至2002年,到澳大利亚旅游的外国游客总数上升了50%. 2003年,外国游客总数突破一千九百一十万.64%的游客来自欧洲与北美.其余多位亚洲及世界其他地方的游客.商务旅游占来自海外游客总收入的1/5. 澳大利亚的旅游胜地包括: 剧院,博物馆,艺术馆,历史名胜,购物中心,体育场馆,各类商务场所等.

2 何以谓之健康?最简单的定义,莫过于无病痛之患.此乃简单的医学上定义的健康,既经过诊断治疗,没有疾病的困扰.无疑该定义是狭隘的,因其仅考虑了生理上的健康既无疾病.世界卫生组织给出了更为广泛的定义.所谓健康,是指这样一种状态,包括了更全面的生理、心理、情绪、社会、智力、环境、精神等方面的健康良好状态.对上述方面进行综合考虑,一个人才更为完整地拥有健康.因此,良好的健康应包括,与自我,与他人,与环境,均保持和谐融洽的关系,这样才能在生活中最大可能地收获.
