

<< 返回考试资料 2012-09-24来源:口译
劳拉的律师彼得 德 兰格表示劳拉对这一判决结果会喜出望外。 Judges have given the green light for a 14-year-old Dutch girl to sail solo around 14岁的荷兰少女终于获准可以独自航行环游世界了。 A co
  劳拉的律师彼得 德 兰格表示劳拉对这一判决结果会喜出望外。

  Judges have given the green light for a 14-year-old Dutch girl to sail solo around


A court in Holland rejected a call by social services to extend Laura Dekker’s supervision order because of fears for her ‘social and emotional wellbeing’.

  荷兰一家法庭日前拒绝了社会服务机构以顾虑其“社交心理健康为由”继续监管劳拉 德克尔的请求。


Laura, who has the backing of her parents, needs to complete a solo round-the-world trip before she turns 17 in September 2012 to set a world record.



Laura Dekker first made headlines last year when a Dutch court barred her from attempting a solo round-the-world voyage. Now she is 14, the ban has been lifted.

  去年劳拉 德克尔一度成为各大报纸的头条,当时荷兰一家法庭对其单人环球之旅的计划下达了禁令。如今她已经14岁了,该条禁令已自动解除。


She hopes to embark on her voyage within two weeks.



Judges at Middelburg Family Court said they believed a guardianship order imposed



Presiding judge Suzanne Kuypers said: ‘With this decision, the responsibility for

  首席法官苏珊妮 库伯斯表示:“根据该决议,劳拉的监管权归属其家长。劳拉是否能够开始自己的航行,这要取决于他们。”


Laura’s lawyer, Peter de Lange, said she was not in court because she was on her boat, Guppy.

  劳拉的律师彼得 德 兰格表示,劳拉并未出庭,因为她正在自己的“Guppy”号帆船上。


‘She will be unbelievably happy with this. Justice has been done. She is looking forward to making the journey.’



The Council for Child Protection, the Dutch government`s umpella childcare agency, had asked the court to extend for another year a guardianship order that had prevented her from setting sail.



But the youth protection group looking after Miss Dekker had disagreed with authorities and said she was `ready to sail.`



Writing on her blog last weekend, Miss Dekker was hopeful the court would lift the order, saying she took comfort from the fact that the welfare workers who have monitored her education and preparations for months believe she is ready.



Since making headlines around the world last year as a 13-year-old, Miss Dekker has obtained a bigger boat and equipped it with modern navigation and safety equipment.



She has also studied everything from how to stitch her own wounds to how to cope with sleep deprivation and how to put out fires on board her 11.5-metre twin-mast ketch.



`Laura has worked very hard in recent weeks on her survival techniques,` Mr de Lange said.



“If everything works out the way I want, I can leave for Portugal sometime in the next two weeks,` Laura wrote in her blog.



Laura and her supporters have carefully plotted a nearly two-year route from port to port around the world, including an alternative path around Africa to avoid the pirate-infested Gulf of Aden.
