

<< 返回考试经验 2012-09-20来源:口译
翻译技巧心得:中高级口译翻译的技巧 :() 2006-11-15 【:】 一、正确选择词义 词义精当,是指译者对原文每一个词都译得恰如其分。当然,怎样才算是“恰如其分”,这是个相对标
翻译技巧心得:中高级口译翻译的技巧 :() 2006-11-15 【:】    一、正确选择词义  词义精当,是指译者对原文每一个词都译得恰如其分。当然,怎样才算是“恰如其分”,这是个相对标准,但我们在翻译实践中,务必高标准、严要求、精益求精。  (一)一词多义  同一个词,由于语境不同,其词义可千差万别。试看下面几个例子:  1) He got all the credit for the discovery.  2) The ledger shows 300 pounds on the debit side and 50 pounds on the credit side.  3) The availability of cheap long term credit would help small businesses.  4) They sold grain on credit during time of famine.  5) How much do I have to my credit?  6) They cannot obtain credit at all in the trade.  7) They have opened the covering credit with the Bank of China, London.  以上七个句子都包含有“credit”这个词,但每个句子中“credit”,其词义都有所区别:  1)他由于这项发现而获得各种荣誉。  2)从分类帐上可以看出,发生金额借方300英镑,贷方50英镑。  3)低息长期贷款可以扶持小型企业。  4)饥荒季节,他们则赊销粮食。  5)我们银行户头上还有多少存款?  6)他们生意信誉已荡然无存。  7)他们已从伦敦中国银行开立了有关信用证。  只要翻开一般词典,我们就可知道,一词多义是语言普遍现象。因此,根据不同语境正确选词是翻译一项最基本技能。再看几个汉译英例子:  1)价廉物美  2)我们不销售廉价质次货物。  3)我们已按很低价格向你们报盘。  4)你们将会看出我们这批货物价格是很便宜。  5)请报体温表最低价。  6)对我们业务建议如有兴趣,请寄样品,并告最惠条款。  7)我们报价已是最低价,折扣不能再多给了。  以上七个句子都涉及到“价格低”这么一个概念,但若要译得贴切,却可能须用不同词来表达。试译  1) fine and inexpensive  2) We do not sell cheap quality goods.  3) We have made you an offer at a very competitive price.  4) You will find our prices for these goods very popular.  5) Please make us your lowest quotation for Clinical Thermometers.  6) If you feel interest in our business proposal, please send us the samples together with your best terms and conditions.  7) As we have quoted you our rock-bottom price, we can‘t give you any more discount.  如果查阅一般汉英词典,比如查“便宜”这一词条,往往不可能给出所有释义。即使倒过来去查英汉词典,也并非每一个词都能找到确切对应汉语词义,如“best”一词,只是在特定搭配中,才具有“优惠”、“便宜”等类含义。许多学生,一谈到“便宜”,可能马上就联想到“cheap”一词,但这个词常常含有贬义,这点不能不知。  (二)词义引伸  在英汉互译中,有时会遇到某些词在词典上难以找到贴切具体上下文词义,如生搬硬套,译文往往语意不清,甚至导致误解。在这种情况下,需要根据上下文和逻辑关系,从该词固有基本含义出发,进一步加以引伸。例如:  1) We have an interest for your athletic goods.  2) To cover our shipment, we would request you to establish a commercial letter of  credit in our favour for the contracted amount through an American Bank.  3) We enclose a list showing our present availabilities.  4) The arrivals do not conform to the sample. You must have shipped the wrong parcel.  5) It is one of the most useful of the household conveniences.  6) We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.  7) Oil prices came tumbling down, brightening the outlook for inflation and.  以上七个句子中“interest”,“shipment”,“availabilities”,“arrivals”,“conveniences”,“one-way street”,和“Wall Street”,如查词典,它们基本含义可分别是“兴趣”、“装运(货)”、“可得到东西”、“到达(东西)”、“便利(设施)”、“单行道”和“华尔街”。如果将这些词义直接放入译文,显然不能充分表达原文含义,故须进一步引伸。
