

<< 返回考试经验 2015-11-10来源:口译
经纪人 broker 税务员 tax collector 研究管员 research fellow of...(如图书馆研究管员 research fellow of library science) 股票交易员 stock dealer 红马夹 (stock exchange) floor b

  经纪人 broker
  税务员 tax collector
  研究管员 research fellow of...(如“图书馆研究管员” research fellow of library science)
  股票交易员 stock dealer
  红马夹 (stock exchange) floor broker
  业务经理 service/business/operation manager
  住院医生 resident (doctor); registrar
  国际大师 international master
  注册会计师 chartered / certified public accountant; registered / incorporated accountant
  我国有一些常见的荣誉称号 (honorary title) 在许多英语国家没有对应的表达语,现列举部分英译供参考:
  标兵 pacemaker
  学习标兵 student pacemaker; model student
  劳动模范 model worker
  模范教师 model teacher
  优秀教师 excellent teacher
  优秀员工 outstanding employee; employee of the month / year
  青年标兵 model youth / youth pacemaker
  三好学生 "triple-A" outstanding student; outstanding student
  三八妇女红旗手 "March 8th Red Banner" outstanding woman pacemaker
