

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-04-17来源:口译
First, promoting security through greater development. As President Xi Jinping stressed, Development holds the master key to solving all problems. Lack of development is the root cause of turbulence i

  First, promoting security through greater development. As President Xi Jinping stressed, “Development holds the master key to solving all problems.” Lack of development is the root cause of turbulence in many regions, and it is in development that lies solution to such turmoils. Development is essential to people’s livelihood and dignity. Only when development is so adequate that people lead a decent life with dignity can hope beat frustration in their hearts. In this connection, China’s Belt and Road Initiative offers a way forward for greater development and peace. The building of the Belt and Road will bring economic opportunities for participating countries and provide solutions to their security issues. We should promote sustainable human and environmental progress and pursue a green, low-carbon and circular economy. We should honor the Paris climate agreement and minimize risks of conflict caused by environmental degradation.


  Second, promoting security through greater cooperation. President Xi once quoted a proverb which goes, “Strength does not come from the muscle of the arms, but from the unison of the heart.” Participating in international security cooperation and building partnership rather than alliance is a major avenue that China follows in promoting regional and world peace and stability. As of the end of 2016, China had established partnerships of different forms with 97 countries and international organizations. They include major powers, China’s neighbors and other developing countries. China will continue to actively participate in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia and other multilateral security cooperation mechanisms. We will work with our partners to expand areas of cooperation, look for new modes of cooperation, discuss new security concepts and jointly establish efficient and effective mechanisms for security coordination, so as to promote an international order and international system that is more fair and equitable.


  Third, promoting security through more dialogue. As President Xi Jinping pointed out, “Those who share the same ideal and follow the same path can be partners. Those who share common ground while shelving differences can also be partners.” Dialogue is an important instrument to end wars and promote peace. The scourge of wars that mankind had to suffer in the last century makes us realize that confrontation is no solution and the use of force and the strong bullying the weak only makes the world more insecure. We should seek to resolve disputes through peaceful means. We should strengthen mutual trust, avoid misgivings, seek common ground and reduce differences through genuine dialogue. Political dialogue is essential for solving security concerns. This is the case for the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue and security issues in Iraq, Afghanistan or Syria. China opposes any willful use or threat of force and any attempt to provoke or intensify tensions for selfish interests.
