

<< 返回真题模拟 2015-11-16来源:口译
▲ 我们必须面对这一事实,并因认识到这一事实而获益,即每一个人驾车、乘飞机或进入许多私人大楼或公共大楼,都必须出示有照片的身份证,通常是

  ▲ 我们必须面对这一事实,并因认识到这一事实而获益,即每一个人驾车、乘飞机或进入许多私人大楼或公共大楼,都必须出示有照片的身份证,通常是驾驶执照或护照。
  同位语从句的翻译: We must face the fact…that
  正反译法:双重否定 no one can…without→ 每一个人都必须 ……
  picture 在这里解释为“照片”,比如说 take pictures→ 拍照片
  ⑥ That means that practically all Americans already must have (what in effect is a national ID card).
  ▲ 这意味着,实际上所有美国人早就必须持有事实上的全国通用的身份证。
  定语从句的翻译:省略法 have what in effect is a national ID card→ 持有事实上的全国通用的身份证,这里 what 相当于 sth. that
  ⑦ We already routinely screen people.
  ▲ 对人们进行甄别,在我们这儿早就是例行公事。
  ▲ 对人们进行检查,在我们这里早就是家常便饭。
  screen 作动词请考生掌握以下两大重要意思:
  ⑴ to examine (a job applicant, for example) systematically in order to determine suitability
  eg. The applications were carefully screened in case any of them contained false information.
  eg. Government employees are often screened by the security services.
  ⑵ to test or examine for the presence of disease or infection
  eg. screen blood for the presence of a virus ; screen patients in an epidemic zone.
  转性译法:副词 → 名词 routinely→ 例行公事;家常便饭
  具体译法:成语法: routinely→ 家常便饭
  ⑧ If we would just make good use of the national ID cards (we have) --- and improve them—we could enhance our safety, avoid discrimination and not spend millions on another system.
  ▲ 只要好好使用大家已持有的全国通用的身份证,并加以改进,就可以增强安全,避免歧视,而不必在另一个系统花上数百万美元。
  具体译法:加字法: millions→ 数百万美元美
