

<< 返回历年真题 2014-07-03来源:口译

  Part A: Spot Dictation
  Direction: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.http://tr.hjenglish.com
  Every human being is fallible; we make mistakes. In America when a mistake has been made, it is considered fitting for the person ________ (1) to acknowledge his or her error and to apologize to anyone who has been inconvenienced. Even ________ (2) are expected to admit their mistakes and apologize for them. Trying to ________ (3) a mistake and denying your guilt are considered to be indicative of serious ________ (4).
  If you make a mistake that ________ (5) a group of people, a public apology is considered the best method for ________ (6). If the mistake was a serious one, or if some people were inconvenienced more than others, then the ________ should follow the public apology with private ones to ________ (8).
  It is especially important for executives and company heads to be able to admit their mistakes. Sometimes leaders are afraid that if they ________ (9), they will lose the respect of their employees. Actually ________ (10)—if you are honest with your employees and yourself, ________ (11), and show that you are willing to accept blame when you make a mistake, then your employees will be ________ (12) you. They will also be more likely to admit their own mistakes.
  If you ________ (13) one person, it is usually best to apologize to that person alone, unless your mistake ________ (14) by a large group of people. For example, if Leonard ________ (15) to Mr. Todd during a committee meeting, it would be ________ (16) for Leonard to apologize to Mr. Todd at the next committee meeting. If the ________ (17) created by the initial mistake is public, then the apology should be public. However, if Leonard raised his voice to Mr. Todd when only the two of them ________ (18), he may apologize privately. Notice as well ________ (19) the apologies are. As soon as you realize you have made a mistake, you should ________ (20).http://tr.hjenglish.com
  Part B: Listening Comprehension
  1. Statementshttp://tr.hjenglish.com
  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.http://tr.hjenglish.com
  1. (A) I have finished my lunch.
  (B) I can't wait to make the phone call.
  (C) I have to stay in the office.
  (D) I don't like to eat in the cafeteria.
  2. (A) Someone from the housing office will fix the toilet.
  (B) Peter will phone the housing office for you.http://tr.hjenglish.com
  (C) You can fix the toilet in the bathroom by yourself.
  (D) Peter will repair the toilet in the bathroom.
  3. (A) Individuals good at conversations may find it hard to make their first speech before a large audience.
  (B) Students trained for their first public speeches should be given lessons in a conversational setting.http://tr.hjenglish.com
  (C) The future of those people afraid of giving a public speech lies in the training of making wonderful conversations.
  (D) Most individuals prefer to make a public speech in a conversational setting with an attentive audience.http://tr.hjenglish.com
  4. (A) The trees are being cut down.
  (B) The trees are blocking my view.
  (C) The trees grow better around the office.
  (D) The trees help cool my office.
  5. (A) Everyone wants to attend to this school, as it is a private institution.
  (B) It is impossible for you to keep to your own in this boarding school.
  (C) We all get along very well in this boarding school, as if of close friends.
  (D) It is not important to step into other people's affairs here at this school.
  6. (A) Thirty percent of the German population can receive college education.
  (B) American students enjoy a very high rate of admission to college in the world.
  (C) Comparatively speaking, there are more British people than the French attending college.
  (D) American college students are envied by 60% of high school graduates around the world.
  7. (A) We should adopt a 4-year term for the directors and chairman.http://tr.hjenglish.com
  (B) The term of the directors and chairman will be decided in four years.
  (C) The term of the directors and chairman turns out to be 2 years.
