

<< 返回考试心得 2012-11-23来源:口译
Investors treat these chin-wags with some scepticism. Where, they ask, is the discussion of America's poor shareholder rights compared with Britain's? Company owners have no vote on pay, for instance. Wall Street's banking giants are more i


Investors treat these chin-wags with some scepticism. Where, they ask, is the discussion of America's poor shareholder rights compared with Britain's? Company owners have no vote on pay, for instance. Wall Street's banking giants are more indifferent than frustrated. As they become more global, their home market's fate seems less important to them.

Others wonder whether America really does have much to worry about. Indeed, it could do more to trumpet its strengths. Some of the firms listing in London and Hong Kong were unable or unwilling to meet the listing requirements of American exchanges. Those requirements generate a share-price premium over other markets . Mr Levitt says he is sick of hearing about the strengths of Britain's Financial Services Authority. He doubts it protects investors as well as its American counterpart. Besides, no one expects big reforms soon. Bob Steel, a treasury under-secretary, accepts that on some issues the talking is likely to go on for years.



这是不是杞人忧天呢? 其实完全可以扬长避短,一些在伦敦或香港上市的公司不能或不愿达到在美国上市的标准。这些标注所产生的股票溢价也多于其他市场。利维特对英国服务局的优势不屑一顾,因为他怀疑他们保护投资者的能力是否能和美国旗鼓相当。 况且没人愿意看到大变革。美国财政副部长 Bob Steel 就表示有些事情需要从长计议。
