一, 语序变化
英语由于介词的作用和语言习惯的不同 , 时间和地点的一般排序是由小到大 , 由具体到不太具体 . 汉语的语序则相反 , 一般是由大到小 , 由不太具体到比较具体 . 懂得了这个规律 , 再借助转换句式等翻译手法 , 就可以译出地道的句子 .
1) 英语顺序一般是 “ 动词 + 方式 + 地点 + 时间 ”
汉语顺序一般是 “ 时间 , 地点 , 方式 + 动词 ”
He is often seen to read hard in his study room from morning till night.
经常可以看见他从早到晚在书房苦读 .
2) 形式主语或形式宾语
We regard it our bounden internationalist duty to safeguard the peace and tranquility of the world
我们认为维护世界和平稳定是我们应尽的国际主义义务 .
语序离不开全句的通盘考虑 . 在兼有心理评价和客观叙述的句子中 , 英语评价在前 , 叙述在后 , 汉语则叙述在前 , 评价在后 . 在叙述部分汉语倾向于按事件发生的自然顺序依次进行 , 英语则把客观顺序置于心理评价的统摄之下或按心理时间重新安排 .
It was a keen disappointment when I had to give up the plan which I had intended to carry out this year.
3) 状语从句的语序
1)A woman infected with HIV may be ostracized or abandoned by her husband if her conditions is revealed, even when he is the source of the disease.
即使妇女的 HIV 是被丈夫传染的 , 一旦病情泄露 , 仍会受到他的冷待或抛弃 .
I knew every spot where a murder or robbery had been committed or a ghost seen.
什么地方发生过盗窃案或者凶杀案 , 什么地方闹过鬼 , 我都知道 .
二, 定语从句的逻辑译法
1. 定语从句
1) 限制性定语从句
把限制性定语从句译成前置的汉语定语结构是常规译法 , 只要从句不是太长就可以这样做 .
China has changed from being a country where the great majority was illiterate to one where the great majority is literate.
中国已经从一个大多数人是文盲的国家变成了一个大多数人识字的国家 .
若定语从句太长或意思复杂不允许这样安排 , 则可使其后置并通过重复先行词或相应概念 , 使两个句子彼此连接 .
Chemistry deals with changes in matter as a result of which it is possible to form a new substance.
化学是研究物质变化的 , 这种变化的结果能够形成新的物质 .
2) 非限制性定语从句
非限制性定语从句常常被译成并列分句 , 附于被修饰部分或者整个主句之后 .
This type of meter is called multimeter, which is used to measure currents, voltages and resistances.
这种仪表叫做万用表 , 用来测量电流 , 电压和电阻 .
The minor internal motions of the atmosphere, which was known as winds, depart only in a small way from the movement of this envelope as a whole.
大气微小的内部运动 , 即我们所说的风 , 仅与整个大气层的运动稍微不太一一致 .
状语译法 : 时间 , 原因 , 结果 , 转折 , 让步 , 条件 , 目的
A.An organization that has open lines of communication with valid,honest information going up,down,and through the organization will be much more effective and a much better place to work than the organization that attempts to restrict the flow of information or distort and deceive.(2000,3, 中级口译笔译真题 )
B.The idea fo a national ID,however,was knocked out of earlier drafts of legislation by a coalition of civil rights and ethnic groups,who opposed a requirement that all non-citizens carry identifying documents.(2002,9, 中级口译笔译真题 )
C.Sounds sweet for Michigan State,but it's not so terrific for federal taxpayers,who will almost certainly wind up shelling out $23.5 million more each year as a result of the change.(2004,3, 中级口译笔译真题 )
虽然这听起来对于密歇根州来说是件好事,然而对于广大的联邦纳税人来说却不是,因为由于这个改变,几乎可以肯定他们每年会多缴纳多达 2350 万美元的税款。
A.Deflation could emerge from simultaneous slumps in the world's three major economies.(2003,9, 中级口译笔译真题 )
B.But failure to come to terms with them will drive a wedge between all of us and a prosperous,healthy future for this country.(2004,9, 中级口译笔译真题 )
C.Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission.(2000,3, 高级口译笔译真题 )
四, 单词,句型复杂化
很多同学之所以在翻译大意忠实于原文的基础上得不到高分,是由于用词和用句过于老套刻板,循规蹈矩,不知变通。所以使得翻译出的文章缺乏新意,没有亮点,自然最后的得分也沦为平庸。最明显的是在一些常见的表达方式上,很多同学不能够做到有所变化。如我非常希望 …… ,很多同学不假思索就写出 I hope, 殊不知除此之外,还有很多种其他的表达方式,如 my aspiration is that…, I have been longing for… 等。据统计数字表明, according to the number 可以改成 as it displayed from the statistics .大幅攀升, increase greatly 可以改成 soar, rocket, surge 等。