

<< 返回中级口译 2015-06-23来源:口译
  贸易自由化 trade liberalization 公正地配置资源 allocate world resource fairly 促进生产力发展 expand the productive forces 多边贸易体制 multilateral trading system 国际贸易新秩序 new international economic orde 造福人民 benefit people 贸易摩擦/纠纷 trade frictions and disputes 明智的态度 wise manner 友好协商 friendly consultation. 互利互赢 mutually beneficial and win-win 实实在在的利益 tangible economic benefits 获利丰厚 a handsome profit 驰名品牌 famous brand 零售企业 retailing firms 不可逆转 irreversible 互补性 complimentarily 据统计 statistics show 劳动密集型 labor-intensive 低资本产品 low-value products 自动数据处理 data processing equipment 家用电器 household electric appliances 劳动力成本优势 labor cost advantage 美中贸易逆差 U.S. trade deficit with China 人民币汇率 RMB exchange rate 知识产权 the intellectual property right 高瞻远瞩的战略眼光 take a strategic perspective of vision and foresight 利益所在 the interest of 奠定坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation 工商业界 business communities 切实有力的措施 forcible policy measures 引人注目 attractive 总设计师 the chief architect 已故 late 决策层 decision-makers 抢滩上海 secure a place in Shanghai 外资财务公司 foreign-funded financial company 代表处 representative office 证券市场 securities market 贴现市场 discount market 保险市场 insurance market 金银买卖市场 bullion trading market 辐射全国 radiate one's profound influence across the country 综合国力 comprehensive national strength 蓝图 blueprint 全天候交易 24-hour trading operations 大展宏图 realize one's ambition 博鳌亚洲论坛 Bo'ao Forum for Asia 文化博大精深 profound cultures 东盟 ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 提供重要渠道和机制 provide important channels and mechanisms 独到见解 insightful view 全方位合作 all-round cooperation 自我封闭 self-reclusive 排他性集团 exclusive group 新跨越 a new leap forward 恪守入世承诺 honor the WTO commitments 有步骤地扩大开放领域 open more areas in a step-by-step manner
  取消非关税壁垒 remove non-tariff barriers 不断完善法制 improve the rule of law 大力实施“走出去”战略 energetically carry out the "going global" strategy 勤劳智慧 diligent and talented 自强不息 persistent in self-development 法规 laws and regulations 合法权益 legitimate rights and interests 利润 interests 国务院 the State Council 审查批准 examination and approval 工商行政管理机关 the industry and commerce administrative authorities 法人资格 the status of a Chinese legal entity 吊销营业执照 cancel its business license 办理变更/注销登记手续 register the change, nullify the registration 设置会计账簿 set up account books 独立核算 independent accounting 报送会计报表 submit the accounting statements 财政税务机关 the financial and tax authorities 免税 tax exemption 交纳所得税 pay income tax 清算 liquidation 世界多极化 a trend towards a multi-polar world 经济全球化 economic globalization 科学技术突飞猛进 the rapid progress in science and technology 前所未有 unprecedented 广阔前景 a broad prospect 日新月异的科技进步 scientific and technological progress with each passing day 指导思想 philosophies and concepts 贸易自由化 trade liberalization 处于“弱者”地位 disadvantaged 公正配置世界资源 allocate world resource fairly 加深“数字鸿沟” worsen the "digital divide" 商机 business opportunities 全面建设小康社会 build a well-to-do society throughout the country 与时俱进 advance with the times 以更加积极的态度 take a more active part in 透明的贸易和投资政策 transparent policies of trade and investment 全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放 a multi-directional and multi-level opening up in a wide range of areas
