splittist activities 分裂活动
issues of difference 分歧
veto right 否决权
a complex and volatile international situation 复杂多变的国际形势
complication 复杂化
complexity 复杂性
ameliorate 改善,改进
high-level and all-directional dialogue 高层次、全方位的对话
summit(forum) 高峰论坛
senior officials 高级官员
estrangement 隔阂
well-being of all nations 各国人民的福祉
proclamation 公告
fairness 公平
justice 公正,正义
consensus 共识
all-win 共赢
the transitional period 过渡期
head of state 国家元首
state-to-state 国与国
go overboard 过分
the legitimate rights and interests 合法权益
cooperative relationship 合作关系
harmonious relationship 和睦关系
peace 和平