

<< 返回中级口译 2012-12-04来源:口译
I had a horrible time in London translating for Yu Dan, the author of Lunyu xinde, who turned out to be a big bully and monster. She would in front of everyone scold the poor Chinese woman who had come with her to "serve" her.

I had a horrible time in London translating for Yu Dan, the author of Lunyu xinde, who turned out to be a big bully and monster. She would in front of everyone scold the poor Chinese woman who had come with her to "serve" her. She made a huge fuss about the hotel (one of the most expensive near Hyde Park) being not up to her standard and the hotel manager had to change her rooms three times in three days -- staying in one of the very best rooms, she still rang me up in the middle of the night to ask me to complain for her that her room was unsatisfactory. I could only get a couple of hours’ sleep as a result and had to work intensely the next day. I was also told by another Chinese who accompanied her on this trip that she bullied all the 200-odd staff members of Zhonghua shuju, the company that published her book. They could not do anything about her and would simply tremble at the sight of her.

我在伦敦给《论语心得》的作者于丹当翻译, 经历可谓惨痛。 该作家真真是个欺负弱者的大怪物。她会在众人面前呵斥从国内来"伺候" 她的女随从。 她把她下榻的酒店 (海德公园旁一家伦敦数一数二的酒店) 闹了个天翻地覆, 称其不够她的档次,三天换了三个房间 -- 尽管住的是酒店最好的房间之一,她仍会深夜给我打电话让我向酒店投诉说对房间不满意。我因此晚上只能睡一两个小时但第二天却又有很大的工作量。我还听另一 个随她一起来的中国人说,此作者把出版其书的整个中华书局的200多号人都欺负的没有办法,见之则战栗。
