7. According to Dong Jinshi, vice-president of the Hong Kong-based International Food Packaging Association (IFPA), about half of the disposable dishware used in the country is unsafe, with excessive amounts of chemicals that can cause cancer.
8. The General Assembly designated the first World Water Day in 1993, and on March 22 every year since, the focus has been on a different aspect of freshwater sustainability, including sanitation and water scarcity.
9. China's commitment on carbon emission reductionis scientific and practical, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao said at a news conference following the China-EU summit Monday.
7. 总部位于香港的国际食品包装协会副会长董金狮介绍称,大约有半数的一次性餐具是不安全的,其制作材料中含有超标的可致癌化学品。
8. 联合国大会在1993年确定了首个世界水日,自此之后,每年3月22日被定为世界水日。世界水日的主题集中在淡水资源可持续利用的不同方面,包括水资源清洁状况以及水荒。
9. 本周一,在中欧峰会结束后的新闻发布会上,温家宝总理称,中国所做的碳减排承诺是科学和实际的。