

<< 返回时讯翻译 2013-02-27来源:口译
Flu hits hard in Northern hemisphere 公众应尽量避免前往人群拥挤场所,避免在拥挤的场所逗留,避免接触流感样症状(发热,咳嗽,流涕等)或肺炎等呼吸道病人。注意个人卫生,经常使用肥皂


Flu hits hard in Northern hemisphere


The World Health Organization has observed a global outbreak of flu epidemics, with most casesrecorded in the northern hemisphere. 90% of the US saw intensified spreading of flu. About 4000 people were hospitalized from influenza and its complications.

And 108 people were reported dead. Some regions are running short of vaccines, leaving peoplehaving to try several clinics for the flu shot. Flu also hit hard in Canada, with more than 100 newoutbreaks reported in the first week of the new year.

Many hospitals have restricted visitations to contain the epidemic. And some surgeries in Calgaryand Edmonton were delayed because hospital beds are filled up with flu patients. In Europe, fluseason struck early this year with severe influenza reported in France, Denmark and Poland. And inAsia, the number of flu cases in China and Japan are also on the up.
