

<< 返回时讯翻译 2012-11-22来源:口译
尊敬的尼布利特所长, 女士们,先生们: Dr Robin Niblett, Ladies and gentlemen, 今天能在英国皇家国际问题研究所这个具有近百年历史、全球知名的国际关系研究机构演讲,我深感荣幸。我对



Dr Robin Niblett,

Ladies and gentlemen,

今天能在英国皇家国际问题研究所这个具有近百年历史、全球知名的国际关系研究机构演讲,我深感荣幸。我对皇研所是未谋其面,先闻其名。20多年前我在美国工作,经常参加一些学术活动,研讨中不时提到的一个专有名词是“皇研所规则”(Chatham House Rule),从中我得知了隔着大西洋的皇研所。来英国后,通过与尼布利特所长等皇研所专家的交流,我对贵所独立思考、深入分析的传统也有了更多了解。

It is my great honour to address Chatham House, an institute with a world reputation and a long history. I first heard about Chatham House more than 20 years ago when I was working in the United States. "Chatham House rule" was often applied in the academic events I attended. Thanks to Dr Niblett and his colleagues, I have learned much more about Chatham House and its proud tradition of independent thinking and profound scholarship since I came to the UK.

今天我演讲的主题是未来中国的发展。刚刚结束的中国全国人大审议通过了 “十二五”规划,这是中国未来五年的发展蓝图。因此,我认为,讲中国未来的发展,最好就是解读一下“十二五”规划,从中管窥中国发展思路和方向。

My topic today is China's future development. To understand the thinking and the direction of China's development for the next 5 years, we need to take a closer look at the 12th Five Year Plan that was adopted at the recent annual parliamentary session in China.


As far as I can see, the 12th Five-Year Plan boils down into two key terms – "scientific development" and "peaceful development".


Some people in the West may be curious about the term 'scientific development'. I think it can be explained in four words: "balanced, inclusive, comprehensive and green development".


"Balanced" means China must upgrade its growth model and economic structure. Being the second largest economy, China may lead the world in growth rate and economic size, yet its low-cost industrialisation model is exhausting its potential. So China must go beyond size and speed to achieve strength and quality. This is why the economy is set to grow by 7% annually in the next 5 years, which is a marked slowdown from the double digit growth over the past 3 decades. This slower quantitative growth will make more room for higher qualitative growth and create conditions for 4 major transitions:


a move from reliance on investment and export to balanced growth driven by consumption, investment and export;

a shift from low labour cost to home-grown innovation;

a change from traditional industries to emerging strategic industries and modern services;

and an evolution from energy and resources consuming development to low-carbon and green growth.
