

<< 返回名人风采 2011-10-12来源:口译
Remarks by Ambassador Locke at Residence Press Gathering Beijing, China August 14, 2011 美国驻中华人民共和国大使 骆家辉在大使官邸媒体见面会的讲话 2011年8月14日中国,北京 Welcome to the U.S. Ambassador’s

Remarks by Ambassador Locke at Residence Press Gathering

Beijing, China

August 14, 2011






Welcome to the U.S. Ambassador’s residence. Thank you all very much for coming here on a hot Sunday afternoon in Beijing – don’t worry, we have some refreshments waiting for you.


Let me begin by saying how deeply honored I am to have this opportunity to serve the President and the people of the United States of America. My wife Mona and our children Emily, Dylan, and Madeline are all very excited to move here to Beijing to build new friendships between the people of the United States and China and to continue to expand our two countries’ growing cooperation on key bilateral and international issues.




The United States and China have a profoundly important and complex diplomatic and economic bilateral relationship – one with challenges, no question, but one which also holds great promise for expanded cooperation and collaboration. I look forward to working with the Chinese Government to fulfill that promise, but more importantly, to build the positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship to which President Obama and President Hu aspire.

