

<< 返回高级口译 2012-11-08来源:口译
英译汉: 1. On reforming the Security Council, the West unanimously backs up Germany and Japan in their effort to become a permanent member of the Council. 在对安理会的组成进行改革时,西方国家一致支持德国和日本成


1. On reforming the Security Council, the West unanimously backs up Germany and Japan in their effort to become a permanent member of the Council.


2. Unfortunately, no single Western nation has ever expressed its support of any developing country in this regard.



1. 我们要求联合国发挥更强有力的作用,以对话和协商的方式协调文化关系,抵制任何企图以施加政治压力的手段来建立一个单一文化世界的行为。

We call for stronger efforts by the UN to harmonize cultures through dialogues and consultation, as well as to resist attempts to build a mono-cultural world by means of political pressure and coercion.

2. 联合国应该在这个后冷战时期抓住时机,迎接挑战。

The UN should grasp the opportunity in the Post-Cold war era and meet the challenge head-on.

3. 我们真诚地希望联合国在其所有成员国的坚定支持和密切合作下,在处理国际问题时变得更为公正,更有理性,更有效率,为建设一个更美好的世界做出更大的贡献。

We sincerely hope that under the firm support and close cooperation of this membership, a more just, reasonable and effective UN will emerge to tackle world issues and contribute more to the building of a better world.
