cultural secretary 文化参赞 commercial attach, 商务专员 cultural attach, 文化专员 military attach, 武官 naval attach, 海军武官 air attach, 空军武官 `consul-general` 总领事 consul 领事 doyen of the diplomatic corps
cultural secretary 文化参赞
commercial attaché, 商务专员
cultural attaché, 文化专员
military attaché, 武官
naval attaché, 海军武官
air attaché, 空军武官
`consul-general` 总领事
consul 领事
doyen of the diplomatic corps, dean of the diplomatic corps 外交使团团长
roving ambassador 巡回大使
`ambassador-at`-large 无任所大使
special envoy 特使
accredited to ... 向…派遣的
foreign affairs 外交
memorandum, aidememoire 备忘录