I Never see sadness dance on your face
With a stubborn loneliness
你拆了城墙让我去流浪Tearing down the wall of protection,
you reduce me into a vagabond,
在原地等我把自己捆绑and stay where you were,
yet leaving me to bind myself down.
you never speak of your weak moments
需要依赖我when you need me to be there
我就装不晓得so I might as well pretend ignorance
自由移动自我地过and live a life free as the air.
Yearning is a pain that can peathe,
它活在我身上所有角落filling up every corner of me
哼你爱的歌会痛it hurts when humming a favorite tune of yours,
看你的信会痛连沉默也痛and when reading your letters as silence falls
Regrets are a pain that can peathe
它流在血液中来回滚动rushing in my blood, and never freeze
后悔不贴心会痛It hurts when seeing my lack of consideration,
恨不懂你会痛When failing to read your minds
想见不能见最痛and when ever missing each other
yet can never be together.