

<< 返回考试资料 2012-09-24来源:口译
銆€銆€濂冲+浠€佸厛鐢熶滑锛?p />銆€銆€Ladies and Gentlemen, 銆€銆€娆㈣繋澶у鏉ュ埌涓浗澶т娇棣嗗仛瀹€?p />銆€銆€A very warm welcome to the Chinese Embassy. 銆€銆€鍦ㄦ垜

銆€銆€濂冲+浠€佸厛鐢熶滑锛?p /> 銆€銆€Ladies and Gentlemen,

銆€銆€娆㈣繋澶у鏉ュ埌涓浗澶т娇棣嗗仛瀹€?p /> 銆€銆€A very warm welcome to the Chinese Embassy.

銆€銆€鍦ㄦ垜涓鸿嫳鍥藉績鑴忕粏鑳炲熀閲戜細涓捐鍗堥浼氫箣鍓嶏紝鎴戞煡闃呬簡涓€涓嬬浉鍏宠祫鏂欍€備护鎴戝悆鎯婄殑鏄紝鎹笘鐣岀粡娴庤鍧涘勾搴﹀叏鐞冮闄╂姤鍛婏紝鍦ㄥ奖鍝嶄笘鐣岀粡娴庣殑浼楀鍥犵礌涓紝鎱㈢梾閫犳垚鐨勭柧鐥呴闄╁拰缁忔祹璐熸媴楂樿揪1涓囦嚎缇庡厓锛岀敋鑷冲ぇ浜庨噾铻嶅嵄鏈虹殑褰卞搷銆傝€屽湪鍚勭鎱㈢梾涓紝鏍规嵁涓栫晫鍗敓缁勭粐鐨勭爺绌讹紝蹇冭绠$柧鐥呮垚涓哄▉鑳佷汉绫荤敓鍛界殑“澶村彿鏉€鎵?rdquo;銆傚湪涓浗锛屾瘡鍗佷釜鎴愬勾浜哄氨鏈変袱浜烘偅蹇冭绠$梾锛屽彲鑳戒笌鑻卞浗鐨勫彂鐥呯巼鐩稿樊鏃犲嚑銆傚洜姝わ紝涓浗銆婂浗瀹朵腑闀挎湡绉戝鍜屾妧鏈彂灞曡鍒掔翰瑕侊紙2006-2020骞达級銆嬪皢“蹇冭剳琛€绠$梾绛夐噸澶ч潪浼犳煋鐤剧梾闃叉不”鍒椾负浜哄彛涓庡仴搴烽鍩熺殑浼樺厛涓婚銆?p />  銆€銆€Before I host this lunch for the Heart Cells Foundation, I looked up some background information about the correlation between health and the economy a few days ago.I had some surprise findings. Apparently, the annual report of the World Economic Forum on global risks puts chronic diseases as a leading factor affecting the health of the global economy. Treatment of these diseases costs the world 1 trillion US dollars every year. This means a greater burden on the global economy than even the financial crisis.Cardiovascular diseases cause particular damage. According to the WHO, they are the "number one killer" among deaths caused by diseases. In China, every two out of ten adults suffer from some form of cardiovascular illnesses, similar to the figure in the UK. That is why the Chinese Guideline for National Scientific and Technological Development for the Medium to Long Term (2006-2020) has taken the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases as a priority area in the field of population and health.

銆€銆€浜虹被搴斿蹇冭绠$柧鐥咃紝褰撶劧鏄浠庨闃茬潃鎵嬶紝鍩瑰吇鑹ソ鐨勭敓娲讳範鎯紝姣斿娉ㄦ剰楗鍧囪 鍜岀粡甯搁敾鐐艰韩浣擄紝浣嗕竴鏃︽偅 鐥咃紝绉瀬娌荤枟涔熸槸蹇呬笉鍙皯銆傚湪姝わ紝鎴戣璧炶祻鑻卞浗蹇冭剰缁嗚優鍩洪噾浼氾紝浣犱滑澶у姏绛瑰嫙鍠勬锛屾敮鎸佸埄鐢ㄥ共缁嗚優娌荤枟蹇冭剰绯荤粺鐤剧梾鐨勪复搴婄爺绌讹紝甯姪鎮h€呴噸鑾锋柊鐢熴€?p /> 銆€銆€Prevention is the best way to deal with cardiovascular diseases. We can protect ourselves through a healthy way of living. We should have a balanced diet and regular exercises. But active treatment is equally important if unfortunately the illness occurs. One potential treatment is through stemcell research. The Heart Cells Foundation has been raising funds to support clinical research on finding the latest cure of this killer disease through stem cell. This research could lead to lives being saved. I highly admire and commend your efforts.

銆€銆€浣犱滑鎵€鏀寔鐨勭爺绌讹紝鎴戞兂涓嶄粎瀵硅嫳鍥芥槸涓€浠跺ぇ濂戒簨锛岃€屼笖涔熸湁鐩婁簬涓栫晫锛屽洜涓?ldquo;绉戝鏃犲浗鐣?rdquo;锛屽仴搴锋槸浜虹被鍏卞悓鐨勭绁夈€?p /> 銆€銆€The research you are funding is not only beneficial to people in this country, but for the whole world. Science goes beyond national borders. Health and well-being is a common blessing for all mankind.

棣栭〉 1 2 鏈〉
