Sing out Loud When Feel Like Singing 推开夜的窗 Push open the window at night 对流星说愿望 to say my wishes to the shooting star. 给我一双翅膀 I want a pair of wings 能够接近太阳 to stay closer to the sun. 我学着一个人成长 I am learning to grow up on my own, 爱给我能量 love being my energy, 梦想是神奇的营养 and dreams magic nourishment 催促我开放 to speed me up into full bloom. 想唱就唱 要唱的响亮 Sing out loud when feel like singing. 就算没人有为我鼓掌 Even if no applause shall greet me, 至少我还能够勇敢的自我欣赏 I can still enjoy my courage. 想唱就唱 要唱的漂亮 Sing a nice song when feel like singing, 就算这舞台多空旷 No matter how empty the stage looks, 总有一天能看到挥舞的荧光棒 it will someday pim with waving glow sticks.(责任编辑:admin)