A new Indian oil refinery near its border with Pakistan could boost trade between the two countries through fuel sales. The South Asian rivals are hoping that stepped up trade will help the reconciliation process.
印度一家临近巴基斯坦边界的新炼油厂可能提升两国之间燃料销售的贸易关系。这两个位于南亚的对立国家希望贸易关系的发展有助于两国关系和谐的进程。 The $4 billion refinery near Bhatinda in India’s northern Punjab state can process nine million tons of crude oil a year. Besides meeting rising demand in India, it could also supply fuel to Pakistan. 设于印度北部旁遮普邦巴蒂纳附近的这座价值40亿美元的炼油厂每年能提炼900万吨原油。它除了能应付印度国内的需求之外,还可以将燃油供应给巴基斯坦。 The refinery is 175 kilometers from the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore. 这座炼油厂距离巴基斯坦东部城市拉合尔只有175公里。 Islamabad has said it is close to removing petrol from a list of items banned for trade with India and India’s oil minister says New Delhi is prepared to export petroleum products and gasoline to Pakistan. 巴基斯坦当局曾经说过,他们即将在禁止与印度从事贸易的项目中将石油删除。而印度的石油部长也说,他们已经准备好将石油产品和汽油外销巴基斯坦。 Pakistan suffers from energy shortages. India imports nearly three quarters of its crude requirement, but it has huge refining capacity and can export petroleum products. 巴基斯坦蒙受缺乏能源之苦,印度进口将近本国所需求四分之三的原油, 但是印度有巨大的炼油能力可以出口石油产品。 Analyst Wilson John of the Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi says the move to open trade in fuel is part of recent efforts by the two countries to boost trade. Ties between India and Pakistan suffered a huge setback after Pakistan-based militants attacked the Indian city of Mumbai. 新德里的观察研究基金分析师威尔逊·约翰说,这项开放燃料贸易的行动是两国最近努力于推展贸易关系行动的一部分。自从以巴基斯坦为基地的武装份子2008年在孟买进行一起恐怖袭击事件之后,印度和巴基斯坦的关系遭到大幅跌落。 “Particularly after the Mumbai attack of 2008, when there was a deliberate slowdown in the composite dialogue, you seem to witness a dramatic upsurge in the last say one year," John said. "In my opinion that is a very good, positive sign.” 约翰说:“尤其经过2008年孟买袭击事件,双方有意迟缓各方面的对话之后,我们亲眼目睹双方贸易关系在去年中有大幅提升。我认为那是一项良好的正面征兆。” A series of recent announcements have raised hopes that trade could emerge as a key driver of peace efforts between the two countries. 双方近来一系列的声明提高了各方对贸易关系成为两国和平努力主要推手的期望。 Earlier this month, India decided to lift a ban on foreign direct investment from Pakistan. Although this is unlikely to lead to an immediate rush of investment, analysts say the move improves the climate for trade. 本月早期,印度决定解除对来自巴基斯坦直接投资的禁令。虽然这个措施未必就能形成立即的投资热潮,分析家们说,它改善了贸易条件。 The Central Bank of India and the State Bank of Pakistan are exploring the possibility of opening panches in each others' countries. The two countries are also expected to sign a liberalized visa agreement next month, making it simpler for businessmen to travel from one side to the other. 印度中央银行和巴基斯坦国家银行都探讨在对方相互设置分行的可能性。两国同时还预订于下个月签署一项放宽签证的协定,使双方工商界人士可以更容易往返于两国之间。 The steps to boost trade are expected to make it easier for India and Pakistan to address their differences. Besides a disputed border, India blames Pakistan for allowing its territory to be used by Islamic militant groups to mount terror attacks in India. 推展两国贸易关系的步骤也将使印度和巴基斯坦更容易处理双方的歧见。目前除了两国之间存在边界纠纷之外,印度还指责巴基斯坦容许伊斯兰激进组织利用它的领土进行对印度的恐怖袭击行动。(责任编辑:admin)