11.You"ve never hugged your mom or dad. 你从没抱过你父母(幼儿园时算不算?)
12.Your unassisted vision is worse than 20/500. 你不带眼睛、视力低于20/500。
13.You wear contacts,to avoid wearing your "coke bottle glasses". 你戴隐形眼镜, 这样才能避免戴你的"瓶底眼镜"(怎么说得中国人好像都近视? 偶就不怎么戴眼镜, 不过也近视两三百了, 呵呵)14.You"ve worn glasses since you were in fifth grade. 你五年级开始就戴眼镜了. (中国人都是爱学习的好孩子... 怎么又跟眼镜有关?)
15.Your hair sticks up when you wake up. 你睡醒后头发会竖起来.
16.You"ll haggle over something that is not negotiable. 你会为一些不可质疑的事情辩论. (无理取闹!?)
17.You love to use coupons. 你喜欢用折价券. (勤俭节约)
18.You drive around looking for the cheapest petrol. 你为了最便宜的汽油费不惜开着车子到处找.
19.You drive around for hours looking for the best parking space. 你开着车子兜圈为了找到最好的停车位. (看来老外真的不太讲究这个.)
20.You take showers at night. 你晚上洗澡. (许多美国人都是早上洗, 不知道为什么)