The Prince of Wales has been awarded the highest rank in all three military services by the Queen.
威尔士亲王(查尔斯王子)被英国女王授予英国海、陆、空三军最高统帅的军衔。 The Queen has appointed Prince Charles honorary five-star rank in all three services to acknowledge his support in her role as Commander-in-Chief. 女王已任命查尔斯王子担任英国海、陆、空三军的五星荣誉统帅,以表示对查尔斯支持女王总司令工作的认可。 He becomes a Field Marshal, Admiral of the Fleet and Marshal of the Royal Air Force in the honorary promotion decided by the Queen. 经女王决定,查尔斯晋升为英国陆军、海军和空军三军荣誉统帅。 Two members of the royal family currently hold five-star rank–the Duke of Edinburgh in all three services and the Duke of Kent, who is a Field Marshal. 目前英国有两位皇室成员拥有五星军衔——同样获得三军最高荣誉统帅军衔的爱丁堡公爵(菲利普亲王)和获得陆军荣誉元帅军衔的肯特公爵。 The convention of promoting service chiefs to five-star ranks was stopped after a report in 1995 suggested abolishing them as part of recommendations for financial savings in the armed forces' budget. They are now reserved for special circumstances. 1995年一份报告提出了节省军队财政开支的若干建议,其中一条是废除将皇室军官晋升为五星统帅的旧例,从那以后这一旧例就中止了。现在只有在特殊情况下才会晋升。 General the Lord Guthrie was the first officer not to be promoted upon appointment as Chief of the Defence staff –a role he held from 1997 to 2001. 古斯里勋爵将军是第一位被任命为国防参谋长后没再获得晋升的皇室军官,他从1997年到2001年间担任该职。 He has now been appointed to the honorary rank of Field Marshal. 现在他被任命为陆军荣誉元帅。 The appointments coincide with the Queen's Birthday Honours, but a Buckingham Palace spokesman said they are not related. 这些晋升恰逢女王生日,但是白金汉宫的发言人说,这两者间并无关系。 The honorary promotions will incur no cost to the Ministry of Defence and will not have an impact on the promotion prospects of serving personnel or the honorary appointments of other Members of the Royal Family. 荣誉职位的晋升不会给国防部带来任何额外的开支,也不会给皇室服役成员的晋升或其他皇室成员的荣誉职位任命造成影响。(责任编辑:admin)