小编注:这段问答出自一个英法口译员的博客,她是法国人,名叫Céline Graciet,是一个freelance English to French translator。有一个同样学习英语的法国学生向她提问有关口音的问题,来看看她的具体回答吧:
Q: I'm a third-year student majoring in English. My dream is to become an interpreter. My native language is French - I read that one should have a "neutral" accent in English. Most native English speakers say that I barely sound foreign. However, several British people complained about my strong "pseudo-American" accent. Should I aim for a transatlantic or English one instead, or is it something that does not really matter as long as you are understandable?
A: I think the job of an interpreter is to convey messages as faithfully and neutrally as possible and not to attract attention to oneself. Speaking with a strong accent is a sure way to distract people's attention from what you are saying to how you're saying it. I’m afraid, however, that while Americans adore British accents, the British public generally dislikes a strong American accent, particularly in a non-American person. I think that, as long as your English is understandable, and your excellent results at phonetics and speaking tests suggest that it is, you shouldn’t worry about it too much.