

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-06-23来源:口译
5. - How would a greedy man punctuate I saw a one-hundred-dollar bill on the sidewalk? - He would just make a dash after it. 这一句双关在dash一词,其一个意思为冲刺,百米赛跑就叫

  5. - How would a greedy man punctuate "I saw a one-hundred-dollar bill on the sidewalk?”

  - He would just make a dash after it.

  这一句双关在dash一词,其一个意思为“冲刺”,“百米赛跑”就叫100-meter dash。原句中make a dash after it是说“(那个吝啬的人)朝那张百元大钞猛冲过去”。dash另一意思指“破折号”,所以,又可以解释为“他是在其后划了个破折号”。
