

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-06-13来源:口译

  会谈口译 Interpreting Conversations

  1 欢迎光临 Welcome

  邮电:post and telecommunications 感到骄傲和荣幸:be proud and honored

  海外部主任:directory of the company’s Overseas Department

  Gracious invitation:友好邀请 distinguished group;杰出的人士

  寄托:high expectation 外宾专用别墅:villas for overseas visitors

  Look over the seas:面向大海 字面意思:means literally

  国际机票:international flights school break:假期

  2 投资意向 A Wish to Invest

  Share my thoughts with you:我想告诉你我的想法 foreign firm:外国公司

  Investment destination:投资目的地 翻了两番:has quadrupled

  投资热:investment boom 沿海地区:coastal city

  全面对外开放:open the whole country up to the outside world

  内地:country’s interior areas 有利可图:find it more profitable (to)

  I’m all ears to…我愿闻其详 最大限度:maximizes the strengths of

  发挥有关双方的优势:both parties concerned 幅员辽阔:massive land

  税收:taxation 消费者市场:consumer marker

  诱人的投资政策:attractive investment policies 基础设施:infrastructure

  资金:fund 管理知识:managerial expertise

  研究资料:literature(research data) enlightening:茅塞顿开

  合资/独资企业:joint venture/establish a business independently


  3 合资企业 Establishing a Joint Venture
