

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-05-18来源:口译


  中国更高质量的发展带来持续增长的机遇。当前,中国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段。经济结构正在不断优化,中国经济持续向好有基础、有条件、有动力。 国际货币基金组织今年以来多次上调对中国经济增长的预测值,对中国经济走向投下信任票。中国经济发展的动力来自改革。习近平主席亲自挂帅的中央全面深化改革领导小组自成立以来,45个月里召开了38次会议。过去五年1800多天的时间里,中国推出了1500多项改革措施,不算节假日,平均约每天1项。中国将坚定不移贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念,深化供给侧结构性改革,在市场、财税、金融、投融资、国有企业等领域集中推出力度大、措施实的改革方案,沿着全面深化改革的道路大步走下去。中国经济将进入新一轮红利释放期,成为世界经济增长的动力源、稳定锚。“独行快,众行远”。中国真诚欢迎各国搭乘中国发展的快车、便车。


  First, China’s high-quality development will present opportunities for sustained growth. Our economy has been transforming from fast growth to high quality development. With an improved structure, the economy enjoys the sound basis and driving force for a sustained growth. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) raised its forecast on China’s economy for a number of times since the beginning of the year. By doing so, the IMF has cast a vote of confidence.

  Where does the driving force of China’s economy come from? It is from reform. Under the chairmanship of President Xi Jinping, the Central Leading Group on Comprehensive Reform already convened 38 meetings since its establishment 45 months ago. Altogether, China has adopted 1,500 reform measures over the past five years, or a total of 1,800 days, which equals to about one measure per day, excluding holidays. China will firmly implement the new vision of development which emphasizes innovative, coordinated, green and open development, with fruits shared by all. We will promote supply-side structural reform, and launch a series of substantive reform proposals in areas such as market, fiscal, taxation, financing, investment and state-owned enterprises.

  China’s economy will unleash greater dividends, and will serve as the engine and the stabilizing anchor of the global economy. As one proverb goes, “if you want to go fast, walk alone; if you want to go far, walk together”. All countries are welcome to get onboard the express train of China’s development.
