

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-05-07来源:口译


  激烈的竞争 keen/heated competition

  比分接近的比赛/拉锯战 close match/see-saw match

  一边倒的比赛 one-sided game

  约翰不是鲍伯的对手 John is no match for Bob

  这两名运动员并列第三 The two athletes tied for third [place]

  比赛成平局.It’s a drawn game./ The game ended in a tie

  在足球赛上,我校以三比一胜那所学校 Our university beat/defeated that university 3-1(three to one ) in the football match.

  我们以三比一的比分获胜 We won by a score of 3-1

  比分是三比零 The score is three love/three nil/three to zero

  二比二/零比零 Two all/Love all

  这位中国乒乓球选手连胜三局 The Chinese table tennis player won three sets in a row,

  他以微弱优势获胜、险胜。He won by a narrow margin.

  他保持亚洲纪录 He holds/keeps the Asian record.

  她打破了世界纪录 She broke/improved the world record,

  他平了全国纪录 He equaled the national record,

  冠军/他获金牌 the champion / He won the gold medal.

  亚军/银牌 runner-up/silver medal.

  他获第三名/获铜牌 He got (the) third place/won the bronze medal.

  运动爱好者/足球迷在给他们的队喊加油 The sports fans/football fans are cheering for their team.

  田赛(项目)field events

  他越过横杆 He cleared the bar

  他不费力地跳过了2.4米. He cleared 2.4meters without difficulty.

  撑杆跳 pole vault; pole jump

  径赛(项目) track events

