原产地保护 protection of place of origin
远程办公的员工 teleco mmuting workers
远程教育 distance learning
缘分 chemical, (as if by) predestination, be preordained to come together
圆寂 Parinirvana
冤假错案 "cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced; unjust, false or wrong cases"
冤家宜解不宜结 Better to make friends than to make enemies.
远景规划 long-term plan; perspective long-term plan
远景计划 long-term development targets
原煤 unprocessed coal; raw coal
远期合同 forward contract
原声带 original sound tape
原始股 original issue stock
原始资本 original capital
远销国外 be sold abroad
元宵节 Lantern Festival
原油 crude oil
援藏干部 cadres sent to support/aid Tibet
圆桌会议 round-table conference
原味酸奶 plain yogurt
预备党员 probationary party member
预定轨道 pre-selected orbit
阅 兵 parade.(A "parade village" for the troops to live in is currently under construction. 阅兵村的建设在进行之中。)
阅兵式 military review (Starting early Saturday morning, the rehearsal featured a mass pageant involving nearly 200,000 citizens and 60 simulated floats, a gala by around 12,000 performers and a military review. 这次彩排从周六凌晨开始,内容包括有将近 20 万市民参加、动用了 60 辆模拟彩车的群众欢庆游行,有 1.2 万人参与演出的联欢活动以及阅兵式。)
越境污染 trans-frontier pollution
跃居世界前列(产量) (output) leap into the front ranks of the world
阅卷老师 exam marker (Beijing exam markers need to hold doctorate--Staff charged with scoring China’s nat ional College Entrance Exam (NCEE) should be teachers who hold a doctorate, the examinat ion board announced after the firstday of tests. 北京阅卷老师须有博士学位——考试院在高考第一天结束后宣称,负责评阅高考试卷的老师须有博士学位。)