派驻 dispatch to...(a post);send to...
排名不分先后 (names) listed in no particular order
盘点 stock count; take stock of
潘多拉魔盒 Pandora's box
攀高枝 put oneself under the patronage of a higher-up
盘活存量资产 liquidize remnant assets
攀亲 establish friendly relat ionship with other units or organizations
攀岩 mountain-climbing
泡吧 kill time in a bar(Internet or wine)
跑车 SUV(sports utility vehicle)
炮灰 cannon fodder (Hoffenheim were instantly dismissed by many as cannon fodder after their promotion last season. 霍芬海姆上赛季升入甲级伊始就被众球队当做是炮灰。)
跑龙套 "utility man, play a bit role, general handyman"
抛媚眼 give somebody the glad eye. (The man is overjoyed because a pretty girl gave him the glad eye yesterday. 那个人因昨天一位美女的目送秋波而狂喜不止。)
泡沫经济 bubble economy
泡沫浴 bubble bath
泡妞 chase after the girls
跑腿 run errands (I don’t mind run errands for you occasionally, but I’ve got my own work to do. 我并不介意偶尔为你跑腿儿,但是我还有自己的工作要做。)
抛 砖 引 玉 a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a whale
跑步机 treadmill
陪床 look after a patient
配额 quota
配股 allotment of shares;rationed shares
配给制 rating system