

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-04-11来源:口译

  年画 New Year paint ing

  涅磐(佛) nirvana

  凝聚力 cohensive force

  扭亏为盈 turn losses into gains

  扭转局面 "reverse the tide, turn the table"

  农产品出口补贴 agricultural export subsidies

  农产品的统购派购 unified purchasing of farm produce by the state according to fixed quotes

  弄潮儿 wave rider; current leader

  农村非农产业 non-agricultural industries in rural areas

  农村剩余劳动力 surplus rural labour (labourers)

  农村税费改革试点 the experimental reform of rural taxes and administrative charges

  农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives

  农工党 Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party

  农工商联合企业 agro-industrial-commercial combines

  农机 agricultural machinery

  农垦 agricultural reclamat ion

  农林间作 agro-forestry

  农民人均纯收入 rural per capita net income

  农奴制 serfdom; serf system

  弄巧成拙 be too smart by half; cunning outwits itself.

  农药残留物 pesticide residue;agricultural chemicals residue

  农业产业化经营 the industrialization of agriculture; industrialized agricultural operation

  农业生态学 agricultural eco logy

  农业生物工程 agro-biological engineering
