

<< 返回真题模拟 2018-04-11来源:口译

  能官能民 be ready to both serve as an offical and be one of the common people

  能见度 visibility

  能进能出,能上能下 competent to work both at the top and at the grass roots

  能进能出,能上能下,方谓好汉 He who knows how to fight and how to retreat deserves to be called a brave man.

  能量预算 energy budget

  能上网的手机 Wireless Applicat ion Protocol(WAP) phone

  能源农业 energy agriculture

  能源强度 energy intensity (Between 2006 and 2010, the country achieved a 19.1-percent drop in energy intensity, roughly meeting its five-year target to improve energy efficiency by 20 percent, Premier Wen Jiabao said on Sunday during an online conversation with netizens. 温家宝总理上周日在与网民在线交流时表示,在 2006 年至 2010 年间,我国的能源强度下降了 19.1%,基本完成了“十一五”制定的将能源利用率提高 20%的目标。)

  逆反心理 negative mentality

  匿名跟帖 anonymous online comments (China will push to end anonymous online comments, according to Wang Chen, director of the State Council Informat ion Office, who recent ly reiterated the need for more regulations in cyberspace. 国务院新闻办主任王晨表示,我国将推动取消匿名网上评论。他近日还重申了加强网络监管的必要性。)

  尼姆达(病毒) Nimda 泥菩萨 like a clay Buddha fording the river-hardly able to save oneself; each one is looking out for his own survival

  泥石流 mud-rock flow

  你真奥巴马(Obama) You are cool (The 160-page English slang lexicon records such terms or phrases as 'You so obama,' which means 'You are cool,' 'presh' for cute or precious and 'schwa' for wow. 这本英语俚语词典共 160 页,囊括了"你真奥巴马",意思是"你真酷"。其它被收入的词汇如"presh",意思是可爱的、宝贵的,等词语。)

  年度国家预算 annual State Budget

  年会恐惧症 year-end party phobia (While many employees enjoy the act ivities, some suffer from "year-end party phobia". Some complain that preparing shows takes extra energy. 虽然很多员工很喜欢参与年会活动,但也有些员工患上了“年会恐惧症”。一些人抱怨排练节目很费力。)

  年利润 annual return

  年龄结构 age structure
