前沿科技 frontier technology
侨胞 countrymen residing abroad
翘楚 top figures, top performers. (the 45-minute program will feature Red Cliff, a traditional Peking Opera, starring China's top performers. 段 45 分钟的传统京剧《赤壁》的主要演员都是当今中国传统京剧界的翘楚。)
巧妇难为无米之炊 If you have no hand you can't make a fist./ One can't make bricks without straw.
桥商 overseas Chinese merchant or businessman
翘尾巴 be cocky; get stuck-up
侨务 affairs concerning nationals residing abroad
敲竹杠 fleece
汽车餐厅;“得来速” drive-thru
汽车护理用品 car-care products
汽车牌照 number plate (British English) / license plate (US English)切入点 point of penetration; breakthrough point
切身利益 vital interests
切菜板 chopping board
企划推广 marketing layout
旗舰店 flagship shop
钦差大臣 imperial envoy; imperial commissioner
勤工俭学 part-work and part-study system; work-study program; work for study
禽流感 bird flu
亲民党 People First Party
侵权责任 tort liability (The draft tort liability law is a basic law to protect people's civil rights and ensure they can get redress if their rights are harmed, the NPC's Law Committee said in a document submitted to the meeting recently. 全国人大立法委员会在近日向大会提交的文件中表示, 这份草拟的侵 权责任法 是保护 公民人 权以及确 保公民 在权利 受损时得 到赔偿 的一项基本法律。)