

<< 返回真题模拟 2015-11-13来源:口译
  Both language and culture are learned by children without special organized programs of instruction, but motivation to learn is very high since language is the most effective means for a child to obtain what he or she wants. If the learning of a new language begins before lower adolescence, one is likely to be able to speak such a language with complete naturalness, but if learned after upper adolescence some hangover of a mother-tongue feature is very likely to persist. But not only do languages exhibit such learning patterns, but so do cultural traits, for example, shaking hands, kissing, and embracing.
  Although many persons assume that languages exist in dictionaries and grammars, in fact they only exist in people’s heads. But this is equally true of cultural traits, which indicate clearly a person’s value system when crucial decisions need to be made before there is any time to think about alternatives, for example, diving into a flooding stream to rescue a drowning child.
  ① Both language and culture are learned by children without special organized programs of instruction, but motivation to learn is very high since language is the most effective means for a child to obtain (what he or she wants).
  ▲ 语言和文化学习,对儿童来说并不存在特定的程序和计划,但是由于语言是儿童得偿所愿最有效的方式,因而他们学语言的主观能动性是很高的。
  ▲ 儿童学习语言和文化,无需专门编制的教学计划,但他们的学习积极性很高,因为他们若要获得想要的东西,语言乃是最有效的手段。
  转态译法:被主交换: are learned by children→ 儿童学习
  意译:special organized programs of instruction→ 特定的程序和计划
  具体译法:成语法: obtain what he or she wants→ 得偿所愿
  换序译法:since 从句先译
  ② If the learning of a new language begins before lower adolescence, one is likely to be able to speak such a language with complete naturalness, but if learned after upper adolescence some hangover of a mother-tongue feature is very likely to persist.
  ▲ 如果一个人在少年时期就学一门新的语言,那么(将来)很可能说得很流利。但如果成年还没有学语言,母语的一些习惯特征就会根深蒂固。
  ▲ 如果一个人十来岁开始学习一门新的语言,日后他就有可能轻松自如地说这门语言。但如果到十六、七岁才学,那么他说话时多半会夹杂一些母语的痕迹。
  转性译法: 名词 → 动词 learning→ 学习
  动词 → 形容词 persist→ 根深蒂固 naturalness→ 流利
  动词 → 副词 naturalness→ 轻松自如地
  意译: before lower adolescence→ 少年时期;十来岁
  after upper adolescence→ 到成年;十六、七岁
  hangover→ 痕迹
  adolescence 在英语中表示“青春期”,一般指成年以前从 13 到 15 岁的发育期。在翻译 before lower
  adolescence 时,不能简单处理成“青少年时期的早期”,既累赘,语义又晦涩。可以翻译成“少年时期”,
  因为“青少年时期的早期”即“少年时期”,也可根据 adolescence 的年龄范围处理成“十几岁”。当然
  after upper adolescence 直译为“在青春期后”,即“十六、七岁”,此阶段离“成年”不远。
  正反译法: if learned after upper adolescence→ 如果成年还没有没 学语言
  转态译法:被主交换 but if learned after upper adolescence→ 如果成年还没有没 学语言
  具体译法:成语法: persist→ 根深蒂固
