口译家 为大家整理了2014年 CATTI笔译模拟试题 ,希望对考生备考有所帮助! 分词 例10.TESOL, a world encompassing the world, heavily populated with eager students and committed teachers, and greatly supported by i
例10.TESOL, a world encompassing the world, heavily populated with eager students and committed teachers, and greatly supported by international communities, is a unique culture in which peoples of all nations can share facts and feelings in one language.
TESOL 天地,包罗世界,有众多好学的学生和献身事业的教师,有国际社会的大力支持,在其独特的文化氛围中,各国的人都可以用同一种语言交流情况和思想。
例11.Presently, we are carrying out a nationwide school program designed to increase students’ sensitivity to the population’s multicultural background and to help ethnic communities maintain their languages and cultures.
例12.Two independent commissions have issued reports: “The United Nations in Its Second Half-Century”, produced by an independent working group under the co-chairmanship of Mr. Richard von Weizacker and Mr. Moeen Qureshii, sponsored at my request by the Ford Foundation and facilitated by Yale University; and “Our Global Neighbourhood”, produced by the Commission on Global Governance under the co-chairmanship of Mr. Ingvar Carlsson and Mr. Shridath Ramphal.
总结:以上所例举的“断点”只是最常见的一部分,也是初学者倾向于忽视的部分。需要特别说明的是,“断点” 只是可以断句的地方,一句较长的话可能有很多的断点,究竟利用哪些,不同的译员根据具体情况会有各种选择。在翻译实践中,还有大量的断点与汉语相同,有比较明显的标记,比如隐含着标点符号的原语停顿,连接词、转折词等,在此就不一一例举了。实际上,即使是在一些不太明显的地方,断点的选择有时也因人而异:有经验的译员往往可以凭借自己对英汉两种语言中细致入微的差异的感觉和领悟,随时找到初学者看不出的断点,因此能翻译得更加随意,自然。但根据经验似乎可以这么说:在同声传译中,最明显的断点一般与汉语相同,不太明显的往往是意群与意群的接合部,最不明显的是两种语言的意群有可能重新划分的地方。译员越能发现并适当选择利用断点,就越容易掌握主动权,把更多的注意力集中在听解上,更灵活、从容地进行翻译。