

<< 返回考试报名 2015-11-20来源:口译
  framework 框架
  expand the common ground 扩大共识
  hard-won 来之不易
  optimism 乐观精神
  reciprocity in courtesy; reciprocal (mutual) courtesy 礼尚往来
  decencies 礼仪;行为准则
  good faith 良好诚意
  a favorable climate in areas around China 良好周边环境
  conscience 良知
  cross-strait relations 两岸关系
  territorial integrity 领土完整
  border or territorial disputes 领土争端
  fulfill international obligations 履行国际义务
  ally; allies 盟国
  people-to-people diplomacy 民间外交
  mode 模式
  friction 摩擦
  good-neighborliness 睦邻友好
  good-neighbor relationship 睦邻友好关系
  remove interferences and obstacles 排除干扰与障碍
  exclusive group 排他性集团
  exclusivism 排外主义
  ratify 批准
  equality and mutual benefit 平等互利
  principle of equality and mutual benefit 平等互利原则
  equal partnership 平等伙伴关系
  equal consultation 平等协商
  concerted effort 齐心协力
  discrimination 歧视
  make positive contribution to 起积极作用
  millennium 千年
  prospect; future 前景
  condemn 谴责
  power diplomacy 强权外交
  power politics 强权政策
  enforcement 强制执行
  violate; encroach on; be an encroachment on 侵犯
  seek common ground while reserving/shelving/putting aside differences 求同存异
  twists and turns 曲折
  yield to 屈服
  trend 趋势
  all-round cooperation 全方位合作
  all-round; all-around 全面的;全方位的
  comprehensive engagement 全面接触
  all-round improvement 全面提高
  globalization 全球化
  the world at large; the world over 全世界
  rights and interests 权利和义务
  (make) concessions 让步
  humanitarian 人道主义者
  fusion 融合
  trilateral 三边的
  convey profound condolences to 深切哀悼
  size up the situation 审时度势
  mission 使命
  undertaking; cause 事业
  momentum 势头
  build shared optimism 树立共有的乐观精神
  bilateral 双边的
